Chapter Two

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When you woke up, you felt groggy; it took you a minute to get up fully. You were still chained, but you could sit up and move your arms slightly. You looked to your side to find that your captor had given you some food; a small loaf of bread and some water. You felt so hungry and light-headed that you didn't think twice about devouring the whole thing. You hear the sound of the door being unlocked and see your captor walk down the stairs with a tied up and gagged woman. You could see the terror and panic in her face; she cried and tried to scream through her gag, but it was pointless. He dragged her to your bedside and dropped her there; he walked upstairs and came back down with a rusty tire iron. "I told you that I would show you how lucky you are, sweetheart," he said as he hit the woman in the head hard with the tire iron.

Tiny bits of skull and brain flew at you; small splatters of her blood stained the already bloody mattress. "You see this whore right here? She's got a pretty face and a great body, yet I kill her anyways. You know why? Because she's not like you. You're special; you are a perfect storm of symptoms just waiting to start." he said as he continued to beat the woman in the head, with every hit being harder and harder. You were frozen in terror; the color had drained from your face, and you couldn't stop shaking. "I could kill you at any moment, but I don't. You should be thankful." He growled. By the time he was done her skull, it was entirely caved in; one of her eyes popped out of her head, the other was cockeyed and bloody.

Just when you thought it was over, Jeff took out his knife and slowly started to decapitate her. Once he was done, he placed the woman's head at the foot of the bed. "Here, take a good look at this when you start to consider escaping." Jeff stroked your face with his leathery blood-soaked hands. "I'll be sure to make you see how lucky you are tomorrow, kitten.". He dragged the woman's body out of the basement and disappeared upstairs. You stared at the woman's head; or what was left of it. She was beaten beyond recognition; as you stare, you thought to yourself, "Who was she? Is there anyone looking for her? Friends? Parents? Loved ones? This was a person. A person with emotions; a person with people who loved her, and now she's a corpse."You had never seen death from this angle before. It made you realize how fragile life is; how you could be here today, gone tomorrow regardless if you want to die or not. Except you wanted to die, right? "Why don't I just run? It's not like I would have much to go back to. Maybe here you could be of some use..." you thought. You slapped yourself, "What the hell am I thinking?! I Can't be buying this creepy asshole's bullshit!" Your thought was interrupted by the sound of the door opening; your captor walked in with another needle and injected you again. You woke up the next day; you were given more food, and the woman's head was gone. You tried to eat your food, but the smell of the woman's old blood and brain made it hard to keep it down.

After you finished your meal, the door opened, and your captor walked in, dragging another woman down the stairs. This time he had brought along an electrical cord; he gave you the whole lecture about how lucky you are as he wrapped the wire around the woman's neck. The harder she fought, the tighter the cord became; she started to turn blue as her eyes bulged and became filled with blood. Once he was done, he once again placed her head at the foot of your bed. As you stared at the woman's head, your dark thoughts of doubt crept up on you. "He said you were special, and he hasn't killed yet, so it must be true...right?".

As you continued to stare at the head, your body slowly stopped shaking. It felt like this time it didn't hurt as much like you had become numb in some way. This cycle would continue for the next few days; his instruments of torture always changing. A blow torch, a nail gun, a picana, the list goes on. Your looks of shock quickly faded into apathy, your body stopped shaking and became stagnant. Jeff noticed your aloofness, he approached your bed and sat next to you; he cupped your face "Your training is coming along great, I think it's time we took it to the next level.". As he held your face, you could feel your cheeks turning red; for the first time in what felt like forever, you didn't feel numb. You don't know why but you found him...attractive.

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