In the Dark

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"You can't hide from it. It will always find you." Josh whispered to his little sister Sara. It was almost Dark in Sorrento Maine, and the thing that scares Josh and Sara the most will be coming. The thing was tall and had long teeth with slobber coming from the corners of its mouth. Josh thought it was a vampire because of its teeth, but it had fur and could smell you running from a mile away like a hound dog. A very big hound dog. Werewolf he thought. It has to be a werewolf. "So if we can't run from it what do we do?" Sara asked her older brother who was trying to figure something out. He was looking around the room and scanning the windows. Then he went into the closet and got some rope, marbles, flashlights, Candles,  and matches. Then he went into the kitchen and grabbed Knives, vegetable oil. "There." He said. "Sara about what time dose mom get home?" Sara thought on it for a minute then said. "about 8:30. Why?" "Because 8:30 is about the time it comes to." Josh said. He started to place candles all around the house. Then he lit all of them, and smelled the air "Still not enough. Sara do you have any perfume left?"  He asked "Yeah...Why?" Sara said really confused. "Go and get it." Josh said. When she came back with the perfume Josh started to spray it all over the house. "Can you tell me what you are doing?" Sara said. Josh looked at her. "Its not gonna hunt us this time. We are going to hunt it." Josh said smiling but Sara looked at him like he was crazy.Josh finished setting up. He put the marbles under the windows, He made trip wires and nets in front of the doors, he poured the oil on the stares, he gave Sara one Knife and kept the other for himself. By the time he was done it was about 8:25. "Sara lets hide under the bed." Josh said in case it was there. They really did hide under the bed they hid in the closet. When they were all set any ready to fight for there  lives once again they heard growling, and foot steps coming up the stairs then they heard a thump and a yip of pain. It fell down the stairs. When it finally got up the stairs it started smelling the air. "OW!" Josh said grabbing his head. "Whats wrong?" Sara whispered to her brother. "My head hurts really bad but its not only my head it hurts everywhere." He whispered back. "Josh...Your all furry and weird looking." Sara said scooting away from her brother. "What do you mean?" Josh said. "You look like the monster!" Sara said running out of the closet and down the stairs, but she forgot about the oil and the other bigger monster and she slipped on the stairs and broke her leg. "OW!!" Sara screamed. Next thing she new two monsters slowly came down the stairs but Sara couldn't move to run. So she just stayed there not knowing what to do she sat there wishing she hadn't dropped the knife. Sara looked at the monsters as they reached the last step and let the tears start to flow. The monsters started to growl. Then they started to bite her ripping the flesh off her skin. The neighbors heard Sara's screams and called the police. Sara died moments before the police could get there. When the police did get there they found Sara's mangled body laying at the bottom of the steps. They were lucky that they didn't meet the same fate Sara did. They also never found the creatures that Sara was murdered by. To this day no one knows where the creatures are or that they even exist. So be careful in the dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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