Te Iubesc~ APH Romania X Bullied!Shy!Reader /Human AU/

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(Reader's POV)
"Ugh..... shut up!" I groaned, slapping my hand around in the general direction of where the irritating sound was coming from. After a few moments, I managed to shut up the alarm. With a sigh, I sat up, realizing what time it was. And that I had school today. 'Well, shit,' I thought to myself as I hopped out of bed, rushing to get ready for school so I wouldn't miss the bus.

(( Short timeskip brought to you by Romania's Magic~~))

I walked into my school, (insert name here) High School. When I glanced around, I saw the one person I now hate, whose name was Emily. The person who was once my friend, though she betrayed me in 6th grade and went off with the 'popular' girls, who were the little prissy little girls who would scream and cry their way into everything. So now, she teamed up with even more of them, and they always seemed to find their way into my business and ruin everything. 

Huffing, I walked into school, to be greeted by that one kid who knew me best. My best friend, Vladimir Popescu. I'd had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. Whenever something bad happened, he was always there to comfort me, murmuring sweet nothings into my ear when I cried, or needed someone to lean on, or after I had been bullied. Aside from him, I really didn't have many friends, other than his friends Lukas and Arthur, whom I had met a bit after meeting the Romanian male. I'd also known him since back in elementary school, 2nd grade to be exact. I had met him during a little lunchroom fight.

((Le flashback))

I sighed as I waited in line for lunch, finally getting my lunch after 5 more minutes. But when I walked out, I saw a boy and a girl yelling at each other, though I don't know why. The girl had long, flowing brown hair and a small flower in her hair, and she also had beautiful emerald eyes. I turned my head to the other kid, seeing that he had enchanting crimson red eyes and strawberry blond hair. When he talked, I could tell he had a really sharp tooth on one side, or was it a fang? 'Never mind that, I need to go eat.. I'm starving..' I thought to myself as I start heading to a chair and an empty table when... BAM! A large piece of (F/F) had been thrown into my face. Knowing I was right near my own table, I place my lunch tray down and sat down. In the blink of an eye, I felt a napkin on my face to clean it up. Opening one eye, I saw the boy from earlier.
((Vladimir's POV))
I threw the piece of food, aimed for Elizaveta. 'How dare she blame me for taking her things?' I seethed angrily at her. I gasped quietly as I see that my food hit another girl smack dab in the face. I rushed over to her, taking a napkin with me.
"Are you alright? I-Imi pa rau... I didn't mean to hit you, I was aiming for someone else.." I said nervously, expecting to be hit or something. However, I felt nothing, and I opened my other eye. With a smile, I realize how nice she looks. I wonder if she'd be my friend.
((Your POV))
"Are you alright? I-Imi pa rau, I didn't mean to hit you... I was aiming for someone else...." He apologized.
"No, it's fine.." I replied softly, smiling a bit at him. 'He's so cute like this....... wait, what?!' I mentally slapped myself. I don't even know his name yet!
"Oh, by the way, I'm Vladimir Popescu~ I'm from Romania~" He chimed, flashing a toothy grin at me.
"I-I'm (F/N). (F/N) (L/N).." I said quietly, biting my lip ever so slightly. So many kids had thought my name was weird, so they bullied me. Now, of course I was nervous he would do the same. However, he only grinned.
"(F/N) (L/N). A beautiful name~" Vlad grinned widely, his accent saying my name perfectly. I gasped a bit and put a hand to my mouth.
"(Y-Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asked, his hand holding my own.
"I-It's just that no one has every told me my name was.. 'beautiful'," I murmured in response, looking down. He tilted my chin right back up so I'd be looking him in the eyes.
"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, got it?" The young Romanian boy patted my hand.
Being the shy kid I am ((I'm sorry if you're not shy, but in this story you are!)), I could only nod.
"Well... I have to get back and clean up the rest of my mess... I'll see you around~" He waved goodbye as he stood up, heading back to his own table.
((Vladimir's POV))
'Man! (Y/N) is really kind.. she seems like she'll be my friend. I hope this lasts for a while~' I thought happily to myself as I sat next to my two friends, Lukas and Arthur.

I'm Here For You, Iubirea Mea~ APH Romania Bullied!Shy!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now