What Now?

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No one POV

Adrinette had just finished helping Nino when commander drops herself in front of Adrien. "Your coming with me little one"
She picks him up with one of her 5 arms and shoots a laserbeam at him. "I command you to eliminate Ladybug and Chat Noir! Track them down and demolish them!"

"No- I- must res-sist- ev-... Yes, commander" he replies.

"Adrien, nooooo!" Marinette screeches. It's too late. Alya wheels Marinette over to a corner where they're safe. "Girl-"

"Take my miraculous."


"Take my miraculous"

"Mari, I can't! I don't know a thing about being Ladybug!"

"Well I can't fight, and you've been Rena Rouge before, you have experience."



Marinette takes off her earrings and hands them to a stunned Alya.

"You are basiacally a Ladybug stalker so you know how it works"

"Ok Mari, I won't let you down" Alya says while putting them on. "Give them back to me when the task is completed."

"Ok, Tikki, Spots On!" *transformation sequence* "Woah, I'm Ladybug! EEEEEEKKK!!!!Thank you Marinette!"

"You got this" And not a word to the Ladyblog"

"You have my word"

Alya begins to run off when Mari calls her name.



With a grin, Marinette says

"You go girl"

Alya gives an approving nod and runs off to find Chat. [I'm gonna call her Alyabug so it's not too confusing] "Who are you?" Nino Noir questions Alyabug.

"I could say the same thing. It's me Nino. I managed to snatch Adrien's ring. Don't ask questions. Nino knows all"

"Oh well, It's me Alya. Marinette gave me her miraculous because she can't fight"

"Cool dude"

"Yep, defiantly Nino"

"Ok. LET'S KICK SOME AKUMA BUTT!" Nino yells. He pounces at Commander,wacking her with his Baton.

"Ugh Adrien, why aren't you attacking them?"

Adrien replies in a robotic voice, "Can not complete request, identities unknown. Neither Ladybug nor Chat Noir are present".

"Your right. Instead your worst nightmare is present!" Alyabug annonces before summoning her Lucky Charm.

"LUCKY CHARM!" she yells while launching her yoyo in the air. The magical ladybugs create a hand mirror that drops from the sky and into her hands. "Nino Noir cover me!"

"Of course babe" he flirtatiously responds.

Alyabug POV

Hmmm, what can I use this for? C'mon Alya, what would Ladybug do? My vision turns black and white. Ooff weirrdd. I look down at the mirror and it becomes highlighted in red with black dots. That's probably how Ladybug does it. I look at Commander's giant laser cannon, that becomes highlighted too. When I glance at Commander's earrings, I suddenly know what to do. "Nino Noir! Piss her off real bad so she tries to command you to shutup!"

"Ok! Hey liar! Weeooohhh babagugabalababbaabababashimmicalabookaaaa!"

"Oh shoosh!"

"No! Your a big fat poopy pants! And you very ugly and mean and if you don't stop, I'm telling on you!"

"Ugh you stupid cat!" she screams, clearly annoyed. As she is distracted, I get her earrings secretly.

"OOHHH!!! YOU SAID THE S-T WORD!!!!! THAT'S NOT NICE!" Nino Noir accuses her.

"Ugh!!! I command you to SHUTUP!".

Just as she shoots her laser I throw the mirror at it, which deflects the laser, returning it to her.

"MMMMm-!mmm!" she mumbles.

"Hehe now you can't command people to do shit!" I tease her. "Nino Noir, your up"

Nino Noir POV

"Nino Noir, your up!"

"Ok babe".

She tosses me Commander's earrings. "CATACLYSM!" I say as I obliterate the earrings, releasing the akuma.

"No more evil doing for you, ya little shit. Time to yeet the evil-crap outta ya! Gotcha! Tally ho little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!".

And with that Lila is returned to normal and Adrien is snapped out of his faze. "Hell yeh!" we say in sinc while fist-bumping.

No one POV

Alya finds Marinette and hand her the earrings.

"I'm proud of you Alya. You did good. And who was your little boyfriend?" Mari congratulates her.

"Oh Nino manages to snatch Adrien's ring somehow. He said, and I quote, 'Don't ask questions, Nino knows all' is what he said" Alya replies.

"Ok, I'm gonna head off to find Adrien."

"Ok, seeya".

Adrien POV

Ahh finally back to normal. I think? When I'm snapped out of my trance, I seem to be in a dark room with a giant window that is currently closed.

"Hello?" I say.

"Why hello Adrien." Hawkmoth says after appearing from the shadows.


I try to fight him but I can't as I am apparently strapped to a chair.

"Dad why are you doing this!"

"I want your miraculous!"

"Well your not gonna get it! Plagg, claws out!... Plagg? Claws... out?"

Why isn't my transformation working? I look down at my miraculous and it's gone.

"You already have my ring!" I protest.

"What? No I don't! You don't have yours?"

"Nah Sherlock, it's currently with a giant unicorn being used to grant magical wishes in lovey-dovey friendship land. OF COURSE I DON'T HAVE IT YOU IDIOT"

"Your lying. You shall remain in that chair until you surrender."

"I'm telling you, I don't have it!"

This is going to be a long day. Sigh.

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