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Chapter Six

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Armed with popcorn, chocolate, soda and fruit slices, Nikita and I trekked up the steps to Toby's house and knocked.

"Coming!" yelled Tara, Toby's Mom.

She was the double of Toby with dark skin and brown, almost black hair. Her eyes were such a unique shade of blue that I almost always found it impossible to look away.

"Oh, my two favourite ladies!" In we were both pulled for a quick Mom hug, squashed to death by her strong grip. "I assume your presence has something to do with the fact my son has refused to leave his bedroom since coming home from school?"

Oh no.

Nikita nodded. "I'm afraid so."

"Warren?" she asked, already knowing but likely needing confirmation.


"Such a shame," she stated, ushering us inside. "They're so good together."

Nikita and I both agreed, heading towards where we knew his bedroom to be.

"You ladies look after him for me," she added, retreating back into the kitchen.

Upstairs, we found Toby lying on his bed, staring up at the empty ceiling. He was aware of our presence but didn't bother acknowledging it.

"Oh no, we're too late," declared Nikita, adopting a British accent. "The patient appears to have entered the 'staring at the ceiling' phase."

"We've lost him for good," I supplemented, trying to mirror her accent but failing when it came out Australian.

I never was any good at roleplay.

"Maddie Monroe, what the hell was that supposed to be?" asked Toby, laughing his head off.

Nikita joined him and threw our treats on his bed. "That was a pretty terrible accent, babe."

"It was a good accent. I was going for Australian!"

"Yeah, right," replied Toby, pointing towards our hoard of snacks. "Are those for me?"

Nikita nodded. "Maddie is all meditated up and has four hours until her next session."

"Which means I am available to be your shoulder to cry on."

"And I will be your voice of reason," she added, materializing a notebook from her backpack. "I've even made a list..."

"Of course you have," muttered Toby, blowing us both an appreciative kiss.

Nikita went through her many pros and her one con, summarising her point. "You and Warren are perfect for each other!"

"How is this supposed to be helpful?" he asked, outright questioning her methods.

She opened her mouth to speak but struggled to push passed her response. "Umm..."

"Look, you guys already know you're perfect together. The question is, are you willing to wait for him while he figures things out?" I asked, opening up my apple slices.

Toby shrugged. "What if he never figures it out? Am I supposed to just remain a secret for the rest of our lives?"

"Of course not," ensured Nikita. "But there's obviously a reason he's holding off telling his parents."

She quickly glanced my way, silently asking for backup.

"And he's obviously nervous about having that initial conversation with his mom and dad. Not everyone has parents who understand."

"Exactly!" expressed Nikita.

Her parents were looked upon as royalty around here and would do practically anything for Nikita and her younger sister—Sasha.

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