Chapter 1-

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Through The Woods

Sombra was running through the woods, making sure not to expose herself to the running wolves.

She was paid by the Bronze Pack Leader to kill a rogue that had been causing troubles and stealing their crops.

About a million per kill is what she was paid. She didn't care about the money, she donated it all to her packs fundings.

She paused watching her prey stop at lake with his other rogue friends. If Sombra couldn't get him alone she'd have to get him at night so she didn't have to kill another target. She didn't want to upset her customers.

She was currently in her wolf form, grey sprouted along her white fur to try and hide her extreme brightness.

To her luck every wolf she hunted was either dumb or didn't pay attention to the "moving snow."

She snuck around a pine tree, her body lowered to the ground as low as possible to keep herself out of sight. She slowly circled the rogues watching them try and figure out who took who's boxers. Extremely childish. She heard a snap over to her right, her ears flicking over to the sound.

She stopped walking  and debated on backing up, The bronze pack wouldn't hire another Assassin? She was the best in North America!

She slowly stepped back watching a large black wolf with red beamy eyes walk up to the treeline where the rogues sat, dumbfounded to the Pack hunting them.

A brown wolf walked up closer then the Alpha making the Black wolf snarl.
They all immediately jumped the rogues, killing all of them without a single sweat.

Sombra walked over to her left, her eyes not leaving the Alphas frame. He was huge, it gave her goosebumps.

With her being distracted she snapped a twig gaining the attention of the group of wolves.

The Alpha slowly walked over to Sombras spot and growled at her.

"Come out." He snarled using the Alpha command.

She obeyed unwillingly and stared at the Alpha in the eye. It wouldn't be the first time she took on an Alpha, wouldn't be the first time she won either.

"Who are you? For you are no rogue."

"perro estúpido. No puedes desafiarme."( Stupid dog. you can't challenge me.") Sombra spat cautiously watching his Second and Third in command growl at her.
He grew a smirk and walked up to her taking in her smaller frame.

"¿Quién eres para hablar así?" ( Who are you to talk like that.) he challenge seeing her wolfs eyes widen before returning to their stone cold glare.

"I'm Sombra." She hummed looking at the dead rogues.

" you killed my pay check you gold digger." Sombra looked at him seeing his wolf smirk.

"Sombra of the Silver Pack eh?" He quizzes circling her. He could smell her drenched in dry blood, covering most of her scent; but for the little untouched he could smell fresh honey radiating off of her. It entranced him and he knew this was his mate. It made him happier it was someone who could fight alongside him and not be a worthless house wife with no purpose besides carrying pups every 9 months.

Sombra felt the pull towards him, the fresh blood dripping from his snout made her wolf go crazy. She could smell his scent easily, for she wasn't as gullible as the regular shifter. He smelled of Roses covered in sugar, sweet and romantic. She was almost at his knees if it weren't for his snobby comment.

"When was the last time you bathed?" He asked motioning for his pack to walk back.

"Excuse you? When was the last time you brushed your teeth? I can smell your mothers breast milk." Sombra
spat offended.

He grinned, his black tail wagging slightly.

"You're coming back with me. To rule by my side and fight long side with me." He ordered.

"And what would I get if I complied? I mean you already took a good payment from me. What am I gonna tell my customer? Some random stuck up Alpha came and had a little party in your rogues guts?" She questioned her tail wagging slightly too.

He laughed and looked at her in the eyes.

"No love, I'll give you all the money you need as long as you come with me." He felt the blood drop from his mouth slowly hoping she wasn't a gold digger.

Her frown said she wasn't so he looked back at his retreating pack.

"You'll become queen, the strongest queen ever to exist.  You shall rule beside me in the Blood Pack."

Sombras blood stopped as she realized the Alpha she was mated to.

"God you sounded way hotter from the high school cheerleaders back at my pack." She sighed teasing him. He was attractive no doubt. He grinned turning around.

"Let's go Sombra."

—time skip brought to you by Bella being too blind from Edwards sparkles to see Jacob was hotter.—

Sombra's POV

We were sitting in the kitchen just staring at each other.

"What do you specifically." He asked again getting frustrated.

"That's confidential. All I can tell you is I do the dirty work no Alpha wants on their hands. I build their reputation. No one knows who I work for besides me." I answer taking a bite of the beef jerky stick.

"How about let's make a deal." He says his eyes turning a shade darker. I can smell the lust steaming out of him like he was a hot kettle; and in a way he was.

"What's the deal Devil." I grin leaning closer as I finish my beef jerky stick.

" you will become Luna if my pack, we will fight amongst each other and in trade I will form an alliance with the Silver pack, funding their needs like a father to a daughter." He said with a smirk.

"But there's a catch." I add making him tilt his head.

" if I don't fall in love with you in three weeks, then it's off." I state raising an eyebrow.

He nods accepting the challenge.

"Sounds good Kitten."

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