glee club

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At school about to go to glee

Hey wait up I hear someone scream

iturn around and there's already hads aroud my waist

Where you.going? he ask

Glee maybe you can join I say

Yea I would love to join if I can sit by you he demanded

Ok ok its doable now lets go


In glee

Hey tina mr. Shue says

Hi this is mike and he wanted to know if he could try out

Of course

Ok im going to sing kiss me by ed sheeran

Seetle down with me

Cuddle me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

And hold me in your arms

STOP  someone yelled

What san britt says

R u sing to tina santana ask

Maybe he whispers


Well what u sung was really good so ur in mr.shue said

Tina runs to mike and hugs him

Sit next to me

I was planning on it he said

He whispers in my ear  can I hold ur hand ?

I grab his hand and we sit down


After glee

Do u want to go to my house he ask me

I cant today th girls r taking me shopping but tomorrow we can go out to eat ok.

Ok but im about to kiss you so dont move ok


We kiss for a minute till rachel pulls me away

See u tomorrow

Yea tomorrow

lovely love (tike story)Where stories live. Discover now