Chapter Thirty- Four

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What do I want to do? I want to hide away and just disappear from life for a little while. I don't want to deal with any of this. This may be what I am thinking, but what comes out of my mouth is simply, "I need a coat until I can buy a new one, do you have something I can borrow?"

Alex nods and rifles through his side of the closet. He pulls out a Sherpa-lined hoodie. "Will this do? If not, you can borrow mine."

I take it from him. "No, this is fine. What precinct?"

"They are being held at the 32nd precinct. It's down in the neighborhood where the club is," he tells me. "I'll go with you."

"No, I'll figure it out," I reply, shrugging into the jacket. I'm swimming in it but just zip it up anyhow, putting my keys and wallet into the pockets.

Alex walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I get it. You're mad and you have every reason to be, but I have to go anyway since I made the call and saw them running from the scene. Also, your phone is smashed and you don't know your way around that neighborhood. So right now, I'm your best way of getting there."

I hate that he is right. "Fine." I shrug him off and move away from him, pick up my broken phone and stick it in my other pocket, knowing I must replace it when I get my new coat.

We get into my car and outside of the directions Alex gives me; we don't talk. This whole situation sucks. I hate being at odds with him, but every time I think of him up on that stage, I feel angry and depressed.

How can he do it? Why? My mind tries to tell me I'd have that answer already if I'd only let him explain, but right now my heart insists it isn't interested in finding out. 

"Right up here on the left, Cat."

I spot the station and I find a place to park. We get out together and walk into the building. After just a few questions, they send us to an office to wait. It feels like we are waiting forever, but maybe that's because of my self-imposed vow of silence I have enacted against Alex.

Finally, the door opens. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Officer Dennon," he says, extending his hand to me. "Cat Fischer," I reply, shaking his hand. Officer Dennon then turns to Alex. "Alex Bragin," Alex tells him, taking Officer Dennon's proffered hand.

Officer Dennon sits down at the desk and opens a file. He pushes two pictures towards me. "Ms. Fischer, are these the men that assaulted you last night?"

I know I will never forget their faces. "Yes."

"And you can confirm, Mr. Bragin, that these were the men you saw running from the crime?"

"Yes," Alex affirms.

"We appreciate you letting us know the direction they ran off to. Without your information, our patrol car may have easily missed them."

"You're welcome," Alex says I see some light return to his eyes from knowing he was instrumental in the bad guys being captured.

Officer Dennon comes around to the other side of the desk, frowning as he reaches out and turns my cheek. "We're these injuries sustained in the assault?"

"No," I state, as he takes in my black and blue forehead and scratched palms and cheek. "I tripped as I ran from them. These came from sliding across the pavement."

Officer Dennon nods and goes back around to the other side of the desk to write something down. "What happened when they got a hold of you?"

The sting of tears burns my eyes. I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly as I try to remain calm, but I move to the edge of my seat.

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