Chapter 4: The Battle

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 4, time to get some battle. Now let's begin)

No P.O.V

"Eleking's eyes widen to what he was seeing, the five girls that he saved were now saving them"

Eleking: it's...........them

Lim: you know them ?

Eleking: yeah. I saved them from nearly getting killed by Galberos

Gomora: well this is new

Kelbeam: it definitely is

???/???: guys !

"They turn around to see two humans who had tails, when Eleking saw they're tails, he immediately knew who they were"

"They turn around to see two humans who had tails, when Eleking saw they're tails, he immediately knew who they were"

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Eleking: Red King ! Earthron !

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Eleking: Red King ! Earthron !

Red King: Eleking ! We finally found you

Earthron: yeah. That was definitely challenging

Kelbeam: you're both late

Earthron: sorry. We were stuck with a little annoying fairy

Gomora: wait what ?

Eleking: shouldn't we be focusing on what's happening right now ?

Kelbeam: you're probably right

"They look back at the situation that was happening"

Cure Happy: you ! Whoever you are ! Leave them alone !

Illia: oh please like you stand a chance against me and besides your not fighting me this time. Lana !

"Appearing next to Illia was the little fairy Lana"

Earthron: hey ! It's you again !


Red King: whoa. Speaking of anger issues

Eleking and Smile Precure: rise of Thunder (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now