God So Loved ~ Hillsong Worship

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For God so loved the world (come on)
That He gave His only Son
And whosoever believes will not perish
They shall have eternal life (we believe in God)

I shall hold to the cross
I shall hold to God alone
For His love has salvaged me
For His love has set me free (for God)

For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son
And whosoever believes will not perish
They shall have eternal life (Hallelujah, Hallelujah)

I shall wait upon the Lord
I shall wait upon His word
And by His grace I am released
And by His grace I am redeemed

For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son
And whosoever believes will not perish
They shall have eternal life

By His precious blood
I have been set free
For the glory of Jesus' name
I surrender all
Now to Christ the Lord
In Jesus I am saved

By His precious blood
I have been set free
For the glory of Jesus' name
I surrender all
Now to Christ the Lord
In Jesus I am saved

For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son
And whosoever believes will not perish
They shall have eternal life
Yes, they shall have eternal life

Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia

Karena Tuhan begitu mencintai dunia (ayolah) For God so loved the world (come on)

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Karena Tuhan begitu mencintai dunia (ayolah)
For God so loved the world (come on)

Bahwa Dia memberi Anak-Nya yang tunggal
That He gave His only Son

Dan barang siapa percaya tidak akan binasa
And whosoever believes will not perish

Mereka akan memiliki hidup yang kekal (kami percaya pada Tuhan)
They shall have eternal life (we believe in God)

Aku akan berpegang pada salib
I shall hold to the cross

Aku akan berpegang pada Tuhan saja
I shall hold to God alone

Karena cinta-Nya telah menyelamatkanku
For His love has salvaged me

Karena kasih-Nya telah membebaskan aku (untuk Allah)
For His love has set me free (for God)

Karena Tuhan begitu mencintai dunia
For God so loved the world

Bahwa Dia memberi Anak-Nya yang tunggal
That He gave His only Son

Dan barang siapa percaya tidak akan binasa
And whosoever believes will not perish

Mereka akan memiliki hidup yang kekal (Haleluya, Haleluya)
They shall have eternal life (Hallelujah, Hallelujah)

Aku akan menunggu Tuhan
I shall wait upon the Lord

Aku akan menunggu firman-Nya
I shall wait upon His word

Dan dengan rahmat-Nya aku dibebaskan
And by His grace I am released

Dan atas karunia-Nya aku ditebus
And by His grace I am redeemed

Karena Tuhan begitu mencintai dunia
For God so loved the world

Bahwa Dia memberi Anak-Nya yang tunggal
That He gave His only Son

Dan barang siapa percaya tidak akan binasa
And whosoever believes will not perish

Mereka akan memiliki hidup yang kekal
They shall have eternal life

Dengan darah-Nya yang berharga
By His precious blood

Aku telah dibebaskan
I have been set free

Demi kemuliaan nama Yesus
For the glory of Jesus' name

Aku menyerahkan semuanya
I surrender all

Sekarang untuk Kristus, Tuhan
Now to Christ the Lord

Di dalam Yesus aku diselamatkan
In Jesus I am saved

Dengan darah-Nya yang berharga
By His precious blood

Aku telah dibebaskan
I have been set free

Demi kemuliaan nama Yesus
For the glory of Jesus' name

Aku menyerahkan semuanya
I surrender all

Sekarang untuk Kristus, Tuhan
Now to Christ the Lord

Di dalam Yesus aku diselamatkan
In Jesus I am saved

Karena Tuhan begitu mencintai dunia
For God so loved the world

Bahwa Dia memberi Anak-Nya yang tunggal
That He gave His only Son

Dan barang siapa percaya tidak akan binasa
And whosoever believes will not perish

Mereka akan memiliki hidup yang kekal
They shall have eternal life

Ya, mereka akan memiliki hidup yang kekal
Yes, they shall have eternal life

Lirik Lagu Rohani Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang