Chapter 1: Prologue

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The storm was going wild, rain pouring down, you carried your black umbrella over your shoulders. The wind was strong, so strong you nearly fell backwards but this was a trip, you needed to do. You looked up at the sky to see if at all it was going to stop pouring down. But it was grey as anything, a slight fog began to form by your legs. You shrugged it off and carried on walking, there was a change in the air. It was heavy, like someone was on your chest, pushing out your air supply. A small lightning spark going down from the sky, and a loud thunder echoed though the sky. You stopped in front of a big building, you were here, finally.

The run-down chruch, you quickly spirted inside, pulling your umbrella down, you gently shook out all the water that it has accumulated.

"Ah, Y/N. Here again?" You heard, you snapped your head around and saw your local Priest. Father Dougal. You let out a small nod, placing your unbrella down and slowly walked to him.

"Father, I do not feel right. There is something dark going on." You said, as you took a seat on the bench. Dougal went to you sitting down beside you.

"I agree. The world has been far too dark and nasty lately. I am worried that days are limited." He said, softly. You looked down, nodding playing with your hands. He then turned to you and put his hands on yours.

"Enough about me, child. What about you? How is your family? Is your father still praying." Dougal asked, you nodded looking at him.

"They are alright, but my father..." You drifted off as Dougal waited there for you to continue.

"He is praying every night, the boys eat before me and mother. If I don't want to do something, he yells at me to stop being a sinner, for doing the smallest thing. He hasn't taken faith too far. He even hit's me and mum now, he keeps me indoors. I only could leave as I said I was going to the chruch. I am not allowed any friends. And most heartbreaking and scariest thing happens at night." You said slowly, Dougal nodded listening.

"He walks around at night and stays up late. So one night I went to check on him, he was surrounded by candles and whipping his back, saying how he is a traitor, a sinner. Everything. He spotted me that night, and grabbed me and he whipped my back. I cried for so long." You said, your hands shaking as Dougal took them into his hands.

"My child, the lord does not take on these practices. What your father is doing is wrong. He has taken the lord's name in vain." He said, you nodded quickly.

"I understand, father. If you don't mind. I would like to have a moment alone with god. I must ask him a few things." You said, Dougal nodded and ruffled your head as he got up and went at the back. You got up and got onto your knees in front of the cross. You pulled out your necklace and held it in your hands, rubbing it with your thumb as you began to pray.

"Lord, please help my father in his dire needs. He doesn't mean to taint your name, he doesn't know what he does anymore. I believe he is crying for help, even know he takes it out on me. He needs help being pushed in the right direction. As for the situration with the change in weather. Why does the air feel different? Is the world coming to an end? Please do not blame humanity for the sins that other people have made. I beg of you. Amen." You said, quietly as you stand up taking a deep breath. You looked at your watch and saw it was dinner time. Shit, you were late. You grabbed your umbrella and rushing out. The walked seemed like forever but you finally opened the front door to your house and sharp pain across your cheek. You looked up as you cupped your cheeks and you saw your dad hovering over you, like a dark Omen.

"You are late. Now sit down!" He yelled, as you quickly hurried to your sit next your mother. You mother placed a soft hand on yours under the table and gripped it hard as your brother ate. Your brother was younger than you, and he struggled with the treatment that you both were getting. He hated it. Your father sat down as they both dug in.

"Where the hell were you? Out showing your body, like a whore." You father snapped, you quickly shook your head.

"No, father. I-I went to church, went to see Father Dougal." You muttered, your father placed his knife and fork down, wiping his mouth.

"That man is a con artist. Lowest of the low. I don't know why you beg to go to that rotten place. The lord is everywhere, not in that place." You father snarled, as he picked up his knife and fork again and began to shove food down his mouth. He tapped his cup with a knife and mother got up quickly and filled it up with water.

"I understand father, but Father Dougal has been there all the time for me." You muttered, Your father looked at you with dark eyes, slamming down his hands on the table.

"What about me huh!? I am the one that owns you. Until I find a husband for you. Let's be honest no one will fill those boots in, If I didn't have such a whore of a daughter." He snapped, you slammed your hands on the table, tears in your eyes.

"I am still a virgin! Just because I talk to guy does mean I fuck them!" You cried out, fustrated and upset with the name calling. You father stomped up from his chair, and walked to you. You brother whimped, tears brimming his eyes.

"Father." He cried out as your mother put down the water jug.

"Harold." Your mother begged, as your father grabbed your hair pulling out for the chair, the chair fell down along with you. Your father dragged you to the living room by your hair as you cried out in pain trying to get him to let go. He let go as you stood in front of the fire place, as he grabbed a rod for the side of the fire place and put it in the fire. He let it heat up as he stood on your hair. You begged and begged him to not do it, not to hurt you anymore. But he didn't listen bringing the hot rod down on your arm, you screamed out in pain. This wasn't a loving household, it was hell. Literally hell.

You laid on your bed, tears streaming down your face, as you began to shake. You held your arm, as you looked at the burnt mark. It was his way of marking you, you were his toture toy, and he didn't want anyone else taking that away. Your window was open as cold air blew into your room, you took a nice deep breath and you smelled the beauty of nature. The cold air was almost relaxing, suddenly a strong rush of wind hit you, causing your hair to cover your face. You slowly got the hair out your face and struggled to get your eyes adjusting.

"If this is love, I will not want it one bit."

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