2. The dog

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The police did begin to investigate the death of baby Sam, but they quickly ruled out foul play. Infant cot deaths weren't uncommon, so the murder was believed by everyone to be an accident.

Harvey did not feel remorse for ending the short life of his little brother - he didn't see it as much of a loss. Everything got a bit better, Harvey loved being an only child and the house felt a lot bigger. The only problem, in Harvey's opinion, was the fact that his mum had taken over from Sam's crying. This annoyed Harvey, not just because she was loud, but because he thought he was doing her a favour. She wanted an abortion, so why was she so upset?

Harvey didn't understand people sometimes.

Three days after the dull funeral he had been forced to attend, Harvey had felt some sort of desperate need, some craving, some desire, to hurt something like he had hurt Sam. To feel the buzz that causing death had given him.

It had happened when he was walking home from school, his route included a short cut through a forest that backed on to his house. The pathway he followed was usually deserted, but today, blocking his way home, was a little yapping dog.

The dog appeared to be alone, he seemed very lost and extremely happy to see humanity. It ran around Harvey's feet excitedly.

After waiting a few minutes, it appeared that no-one was looking for this dog. Harvey bent down and began stroking its shiny brown coat, he stared down into its large black eyes. He could see why people would find the little thing cute. He could hear its heavy breathing.

Smiling to himself, Harvey reached to his left and found a large sturdy branch lying not too far away. He stood back, raised it high above his head and swung it down on the tiny puppy's head. There was a loud crack and the dog slumped to the ground.

Harvey reached down and laid a careful hand upon the fluffy stomach of the little brown dog. Its chest was still rising and falling ever so slightly.

The young boy sighed. He swung his bag from off his shoulder and unzipped it, taking out all his books. Harvey picked up the dogs limp body, he thought it was surprisingly heavy for such a small animal.

He slowly manoeuvred the dog into his bag and started walking in the opposite direction to his house.

About fifteen minutes later, he arrived at the main river that ran through the town. Dumping the bag in there, he noticed how strong the current was, pulling the dogs body far away to sea.

When he arrived home, he informed his mum that he would need a new school bag - she was too tired to ask why.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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