Ayeee Sirr !😸

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Heya 😊 . Let begin  . 😄😄😄😄

Dragon slayer meme

Dragon slayer meme

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OMG 😂😂😂😂😂 . If only Pikachu  and  Laxcus  know each other also they  where panthers .  * thinking *  about  how cute Pikachu  is  .Awww 😄😄😄😄

Erza san weakness : 1

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Erza san weakness :
1. Strawberry  cake
2. Jellal ( her lover ) 😈😈
3. I don't  really  know why  Ichigo  ( sorry if I spell  it  wrong ) 😔😔😖😖😖

Ichigo : MAN!!!!!

Me : What the , where did you  came  from

Ichigo  : I have heard my name

Me : * pick up  a broom  * No one want  you  here .😡😠😡😡

Chase him with a broom
Ichigo: MANNN !!
ME:  * Wack him so hard  he went flying up the sky  * 😂😂😂

Me : * call Erza san *

( On the phone  )

Erza : Hello ?

Me : Hi Erza san , I get rid of your problem .😅😅😆😆

Erza : What pro -

Me : * hang  her up *  My job here is done . 😂😂😂

Hahaha 😂😂😂. I can' t believe  I did that .😅😅😅😅

Bye Guys 🤗🤗🤗

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