Chapter 1 and A/N

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Hey everyone. I'm not one to post stories anymore, but lately a lot of inspiration has hit me. I have a whole book of short stories that I've written up, a lot of them just fanfictions. If you want me to post that, then let me know. If I don't see that people want it, then I likely will not post it. 

I've been working a lot on my writing, and this book has just recently come to mind with my inspiration. This book is a fanfiction about Colby Brock on Youtube, I've been watching his content for a while, not just on his account but the Sam and Colby account as well. I love their videos a lot, and I guess inspiration hit me. I want to make something clear about this though. Colby has expressed how he feels about relationships, and has mentioned that when he feels ready to date he will, so this isn't me saying he needs to be in relationship, this is just a fanfiction, and I know of several fans of his who will go nuts and start claiming that, so I'm making that clear.

Brooke in this story is indeed based off of me and some of the things I went through with friends, I've obviously exaggerated a bit on the situations that happen throughout this story --for the sake of telling the story and to make it more interesting. I personally suffered badly from friends that never cared about me and only had me around for their convenience. It took me a long time to grow the confidence to stand up to these people, and it was thanks to a friend of mine that I was able to do that. He's been a great help to me, and yes, he's just a friend. But I wanted to bring to attention the harm that friends like this cost, the mental pain that comes with it, along with the lack of confidence in one's self. This book is very important to me, in the fact that a lot of growth comes with my character, a similar growth that I went through myself. I hope you guys enjoy this story! -Nik


-Brooke's POV-

My name is Brooke Clarke and this is a story of how I gained confidence to stand up for myself. It's also about Colby Brock, the love of my life, and how he helped me find that confidence. It was a long process of healing, and understanding that I deserved better than what I was receiving, but without becoming stuck-up and conceited. However, just like any other story, we have to start from the beginning. 

In my junior year of high school, in order to support my family, I was finding ways to make money. My dad was on his own with raising my sister and I, and couldn't spend a lot of time with us because he was working so hard. That didn't hurt our relationship with him at all, but it made it difficult for all of us as we couldn't see each other as much as we would have liked.

During this time, I had found a love for music, I played multiple different instruments and was getting really good at them. Dad really wanted me to expand with my music career and was helping me pay off many of the instruments I was renting and trying to own, and I felt bad for it. So I got a job. It wasn't a lot. I was a cashier at a gas station, and it wasn't great. I got a lot of sexual harassment at that job, but it paid alright and I needed to make some money to cover the expenses of my instruments. My dad, of course, argued that he could handle paying the expenses, but I insisted to pay for them myself, that way he didn't have to work as hard. Over time, it seemed to help a lot, he didn't need to take on extra shifts as often and I was seeing him at home more, where he could hear me practice my instruments and listen to me play or sing. He and my sister were--and still are--my biggest fans and supporters. I love them to death. 

As time went on, the more my dad had to work again to cover expenses. Prices went up with gas, and electric bills, etc. I wanted to help, so I started searching for ways to make money without leaving the house and without selling drugs. That's when I discovered Youtube. Let's be honest, I already knew Youtube existed, but I didn't realize you could make money from making videos. And a good amount as long as I got enough views and could get my channel to grow. I brought the idea up with my dad, and he seemed skeptical of it at first, but we spent some time researching and thinking up ideas. I spent some time learning how to edit and how to record and when I brought my research to dad, he finally agreed to it. So, with some money I'd saved up, I got some recording equipment--for myself and my instruments--and a good camera. 

The Best of Our Love- A Colby Brock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now