Chapter 2

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Blooms POV

"Bell rings. Locker." Brad said for the tenth time.

"Got it." I said as I hugged Bailey and walked to History AP. I walked in the class room and sat in the back corner. I bit my lip and tapped my foot.

I set my head down on the table and heard the chair moved. I whipped up and saw Lucas, not his pack, just him.

I rasied my eyebrow and he smirked. I shooked my head and looked at the board. But he kept staring at me.

"What!?!" I hissed at him.

"So she speaks." He jokes as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, im playing." Lucas said.

"Ok." I said.

"Look, can we talk?"


"Fine, I speak you listen?"


"Ok. Look we have our differences. And we can push them a side for this one class."

"I guess we can."

"Great!" He said as he spit in his gand and held it out. I did the same. What I live his Brad and Breaks.

He raised an eyebrow and I turned to the board. Then our teacher came in.

"Hello class, im Mr. Williams. So every year I do this project. The person seating next to you will be your partner. You will make a sence from the past. It has to be before 1820s and you must dress like it for class." He said and snapped his fingers together.

I looked at Lucas with worry eyes as he just smiled.

"What are you smilimg about!?!" I hissed.

"I get to spend more time with you." He said as he smirk.

"No, you cant. We Power Kids 101 hate you and Trouble Pack hates us too."

"You said I hate you."

"Its always been like that."

"Your parents was like that. Look at them. They got married, had twins."

"That would only happen between us when pigs fly." I stated.

"We'll see."

"Anyways how are we going to do this project?" I asked.

"Libaray?" He asked.

"Public. And dont tell anyone about this. Got it!" I hissed.

"Yes Ma'm." He said as he smirk and leaned closer to me. The bell rang and I jumped up.

I gotta go to the locker. Locker! Where are you Locker! I yelled in my head.

"Bloom!" I heard Bailey yell. I turned and saw her running towards me.

"Hey Bails." I said as we walked together.

"Omg, the Trouble Pack was in our class. But Lucas wasnt there!" Bailey let out as Brad and Breaks came up to us.

"Daddy, Mommy!" Bailey yelled as she ran up to Auntie and Uncle.

"Here! Gotta fly!" They yelled as there belts flashed. They tossed the keys to Breaks.

"Cant wait till we save the day!" Brad said as we climbed in the car.

"I know right!" Bailey said. The Trouble Pack passed us, riding their motorcyles. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Wow, showoffs." Breaks said. We all laughed and nodded.

"I gotta idea!" Brad said as Bailey and I had worry faces.

"Follow 101!" Breaks yelled and follwed the Trouble Pack.

We followed them into the alley and climbed out. My phone buzzed and saw it was from Hayden.

As we walked down farther I felt a arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back. I looked up to see Leah.

"Breaks!" I yelled and saw she frozed. I looked over at Bailey and she nodded.

"Bloom 101!" I yelled and the whole pack came out. Instead of our normal people we attack they changed the whole thing.

I was with Lucas. Bailey was with Lee. Brad was with Leah. Breaks was with London.

"Troubles Go!" Lucas yelled and they transformed.

I gulped and took out my bows. I through it at him and he dodged. He pulled out his and tried shooting me. As I spinned I felt earth slit my cheek. I held on to it hearing it sizzle.

"Bailey now!" Breaks yelled and Bailey threw her spear at them.

"Lets go!" Brad yelled as I got up and ran. We ran to the car and Hayden called Bailey.

"Its for you." She said as she handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I said as I held to my cheek.

"Hey Bloom!" His hispanic accent flown through the phone.

"Hey Hayden." I said with a smile. Yeah, I have a crush on Hayden since I was ten and he was thirteen.

"I was wondering if you wanna go down to that new cafe?" He asked as he sturred.

"Sure!" I said.

"Kay, see you tommorow!" Hayden said.

"Bye Hay-Hay." I called him his nickname. I knew he was getting red.

"Bye Bloomy." He said as my cheeks turned red. He hunged up and Brad chuckled.

Lucas POV

Yall probably hate me huh? Oh well cant blame yall. I slammed Lee to the brick wall.

"What the hell!" Lee shouted.

"You wasnt to shoot Bloom!" I yelled at him and slung him to the alley floor.

"So what! Its not like you was!"

"Who said I wasnt!" I yelled and charge for him.

"Stop it!" London yelled as she looked at her nails.

"Shes right! We have to stop the Power Geeks!" Leah said as I flinched.

"Fine! But we need to get the to trust us." I said as they all stared at me.

"Why?" They all said.

"So we can crush them. London take Brad. Leah take Breaks. Lee take Bailey. I got Bloom." I said.

"Awesome man!" Lee said.

"Shut it." London said as she flung some lava at Lee's hair.

"Watch it!" He said as flung off the lava off his shaggy black hair with green lighting bolts. He had bright green eyes. London had white blonde and brown eyes.

Leah had blonde hair with blue eyes. I had dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. We all had peach skin.

"Lets go!" I yelled and we all climbed in the car. I stuck the key and we drove to our house.

"Lucas, slow down!" London and Leah said together.

"Shut it!" I yelled. Yeah, im pissed and I cant help it. I dont know why I am. I just am.

"Plan goes in tommorow!" I yelled and walked inside.

"Hothead." Lee muttered. I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room. I Lucas is a leader of Trouble Pack. I am in love with Bloom. A Power Kid 101.

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