Part 1/1

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Bandit came home from work about an hour later than usual and was surprised to find that his boyfriend's truck wasn't in the driveway. He must be running late, too... He thought.

The German shepherd changed out of his police uniform and put on a pair of comfortable lounging clothes. They were newer and still baggy, giving the canine enough room to grow.

Bandit was just sitting down in the living room to watch TV when the front door open and his husky boyfriend squeezed through the double wide door.

"Shadow!" Bandit hefted himself up and waddled over to wrap his arms around the hunched-over husky. "Long day on the railroad?" He guessed.

Shadow nodded. "Train broke down, irritated commuters..." He mumbled tiredly.

"You need some cheering up, dear." Bandit ushered the husky over to couch and sat him down with a tall glass of Mountain Dew.

"Stay right here."

Bandit waddled info the kitchen, grabbed the sink nozzle with its extra long hose, and dragged it back into the living room.

As tired as he was, Shadow managed a grin and a tail wag at the sight of the hose in his boyfriend's paw.

The German shepherd stuck the end of the modified hose in his muzzle and turned on the water. The cool, refreshing water from the kitchen sink gurgled down the hose and drained into Bandit's maw. He guzzled it down, throat bobbing with every loud and echoing gulp.

Shadow watched, transfixed, as Bandit's gut quickly filled up and began to swell with water. His previously baggy lounging clothes soon grew tight on his furry belly as it began to poke out beneath his shirt.

Bandit's knees began to tremble until he gave in and sank to the carpeted floor, pinned beneath the weight of his ballooning belly. He looked up into Shadow's eyes as he pressed his free paw into his waterbed-like belly, inviting his boyfriend to feel.

Shadow downed the last of his Mountain Dew before he got up and knelt in front of Bandit, pressing his paws into his squishy stomach. It sloshed and rumbled loudly beneath his touch as he rubbed and kneaded at it.

When Bandit was practically immobile under the weight of his giant water balloon belly, he turned off the water and watched as Shadow put his ear to his stomach. Several wet burps and a round of hiccups escaped his lips as he hummed with pleasure.

Shadow was playfully patting the German sheperd's belly when the doorbell rang. He looked up at Bandit quizzically, but he merely winked and nodded at the door.

The husky got up and answered the door. A cheetah delivery guy stood there balancing several large containers, boxes, and drink trays of varying sizes. It was Otto, a friend of both Shadow and Bandit and frequent deliverer of big meals and midnight snacks.

"Hey man!" Otto's voice was raspy but not unpleasant as he spoke with his tail curling in the air behind him. "I got four large pizzas, ten cheeseburgers, and eight milkshakes. Dude, are you, like, having a party or something?" He asked playfully.

"Nope, it's just me and Bandit." Shadow fumbled for his wallet but the cheetah stopped him by plopping the boxes and containers into his paws.

"It's all paid for already, man. Tip and everything! Enjoy."

"Okay, thanks Otto! Have a good one."

"You too, dude. Catch ya guys later I gotta run."

Balancing the precarious pile in his paws, Shadow closed the front door with his foot and went back into the living room.

"Surprise!" Bandit beamed up at him.

"Thank you!!" Tail wagging wildly, Shadow sat down on the couch and set the fast food feast on top of Bandit's wide belly to use him as a sort of inflatable table.

"The boxes are nice and warm." Bandit giggled as he watched his boyfriend open the first box of pizza and slurp up the first slice of cheesy goodness.


After the fast food binge, Shadow cleaned up Bandit's table belly before he rolled him out of the way to set up the pull-out couches.

In their living room, two couches had been cut and pushed together to create one large couch to fit them both, and the two couches hid pull-out beds for cuddling in front of the TV.

Once they were cuddled into the converted giant bed, Shadow turned on the TV and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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