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   "Stop it! Stop you stupid!..."

He screams at the 3 much taller boys who are laughing hysterically. The blonde-mullet-wearing one was literally holding Eddies colouring book in the air above his head. Eddie jumped and groaned and tried his hardest to reach for it, but he was too small. The colouring book was full of pages of Spongebob charters, it was his FAVOURITE show. He bought himself the colouring book with the money he earned from his first job at an ice cream scooping place just yesterday and thought it would be awesome if he brought it to school! He was bullied every single day of course for being different, autistic "childish", feminine, everything, but it never really got to him. But in that moment it was really starting to.

Richie made his way to his locker, his eyes trying to stay looking at where he was walking instead of looking at the green and orange clear tangle in his hands moving rapidly. He was slowly walking, taking his time, his teacher had excused him to take a walk as he couldn't stay still and was ticking horribly loudly. Richie was loud and obnoxious WITHOUT Tourette's and ADHD, he was always bouncing off the walls. No one had EVER seen him stay still. He also has horrible insomnia, DID and BPD. He gets a few hours or so of sleep sometimes just sitting up, but if he was going to get a blink of sleep, he needed to smoke weed. He's been prescribed with probably a million medications for everything, and nothing worked the way weed does for him. Every medication would just make him extremely suicidal, depressed or sick. He pretty much only smokes blunts, for joints, he can't stay still long enough to roll them, pipes he just didn't like, and bongs/ bubblers he would drop.

He HATED himself, every little bit. His parents we so so so disappointed in him. He'd never gotten a good grade in his life, his body being so complex and different that no real medications helped him focus. No madder how hard he tried, no matter how many times he'd do what his counsellor told him, the "Strategies", nothing helped. And he was often very depressed because of this. He would either switch to an alter who is very depressed and can barely move, extremely paranoid, extremely hyperactive but mostly normal, or um, two others.. This was his least favourite part of himself. Beverly was the only one who knew, and even though he would switch in front of her and she sort of understood it, it took him 4 years to actually tell her what was "wrong" with him. When he was "Mila" as he called her, he would have the brain of a 2-5 year old girl. Sometimes he would wear pull-ups, and sometimes he would put on some little-kid makeup that Beverly got him from the dollar tree. This is when he was most calm. When he was Ashley, a girl his age he loved to have his nails painted, and he won't leave a room without his lipgloss and yes, fannypack. Ashley had 7, all in a garbage bad under his bed with a couple lipglosses. All of his Alters had a little bag for their things, Most of his Alters needed to feel organized.


Richie started nearing his locker, and noticed four boys, three noticeably much taller and one noticeably much cuter. His face was pink and he was jumping and stomping and yelling at them to give it back. Richie ignored it and started to unlock his locker, his eyes on them and the smallest boy breaks down and looks at the ground, sobbing. Richie storms over to the bullies with his fists clenched, the same guys that bullied him too, all his anger coming up, and as bravely as he could, he said

"I will fuck you up if you mess with him again."

"Don't swear!" Eddie shrieks and comically jumps backwards.
Henry laughs.

"You couldn't hurt a fly, twig."

This was the comment that made Richies vision go slo-mo. He watched his own hand as he pulled it back and punched Henry right in the fucking nose with ALL his strength. Richies veins were CONSTANTLY rushing with adrenaline, he was freakishly strong and couldn't feel pain 90% of the time.
It turned back to real time and Richie looked at the damage. Henry was slouched over, coughing and spitting out blood and 2 teeth. His nose was not at all the shape of a nose and covered in dark blood. He looked at his knuckles, and watched them bruise so quick it looks like a time lapse. He looks at Eddie, who is still crying and now running away. Henry and his goons also run away, then Richie waits. About thirty seconds goes by, then he hears it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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