Oh, what I would give to have a flashlight right now. Everything is completely dark. All I can see is some sprigs of grass coming out of the floor.
My mind is completely dark as well. I can not focus on a single thought. All I can process through my mind is the annoying, rustling noise coming from the opposite corner from where I am huddled in.
I began to stand up but, the dirt under my feet is not providing stable ground so, I stumble some before I regain balance. Traveling through this roughly 15 ft square of dirt walls I am inclosed in, I try to look for a switch that can reopen the doors but, all I find is gritty pebbles and rocks. I follow the sound of rustling to the other corner but, nothing is there other than falling stones and a couple of dry, old leaves.
I start to sit again but something stops me. A hand is gripped tightly onto my ankle. The hand is firm and will not let go, despite my squirming. I start to scream but nobody can hear me in this tunnel I am in.
I pull my ankle harder but in doing so the hand pulls as well and it sends me falling to the ground. I go down with a thump, my head hitting the hard dirt floor causing me to go unconscious. As my eyelids get heavier, I hear a cracking noise coming from the wall next to me.
A dark, shadowy figure walks out from the newly made hole in the wall. All I see now is the figure kneeling beside me slightly shouting,
"Oh, dear wait til father hears about this!"