How is it possible that I've found you in the chaos?

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All of her life she had been taught that loving was a weakness. Taught that loving someone would evidently make you lose what really mattered; power. In a world like the one we live in, power came before anything. Just look at your tv and turn on the news, you'll see that the government is losing any evidence of humanity and replacing it with fear. Because of course, fear is power. If you are able to look at someone and have them tremble, you have power over them. So, that's what she learned. She had to have people tremble not only at her feet, but just by the sound of her name.

All of this was hard though, considering she did have someone she loved. It was another version of herself, her second half. Her twin brother and the only living family she had left. All of him being in the past tense was the reason she didn't believe she could love anyone. When she had felt a part of herself go cold and numb in the battle, something inside her broke. She knew what had happened, she was a goddamn witch. She knew from that day forward she wasn't going to be the same. Hydra had made her and her brother soldiers. Soldiers being the good term, and they were treated less human and more weapon.

Knowing how she had lost the only thing that mattered to her, the avengers treated her as their own. Especially Clint, he was like a father to her. Steve was like a big brother too. Her life had been full of people telling her what she could and couldn't do. She had no freedom to live her own life. Until she found a home and a family.

After Steve and Tony had their little debacle and they had an all out fight, the witch was bored. She had tried to find a mentor for her powers, someone who had similar abilities to help her master her skills, but if there was anyone out there, they were hiding. And unfortunately for her, she was left with practicing on the rest of the avengers who didn't stand a chance and frankly, got boring. She wasn't allowed on "mini missions" because she was what Bruce liked to call the "big guns." So she spent her days trying to find another and practicing on trees.

She was laying in her bed manipulating one of those little blow up men at the car places when she had been called down to the conference room. When she got there, Natasha had just walked in with a peanut butter sandwich.

"You want some?" She said as she came up next to me.

"I'm good."

"alright, sucks for you."

"I'll just break the ice here. We need better jobs than this," Banner said as he stood up in front of the table.

"Bullshit, harder jobs means the world is one more attack closer to the end, which means we all go bye bye ka splat" Tony cut in.

"Ka splat?" Steve said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Ka splat you got something to say to me?" He argued.

"No I just, weird word for you to say."

"Actually it's two words ka-splat but obviously you wouldn't have pieced that together in that little pea brain of yours."

"Of course you would insult my brain because you're the famous billionaire playboy who created a super suit to do all your work for you."

"Can we focus please!" Banner shouted, "We have bigger problems to attend to that doesn't involve insulting one and other."

"Oh my god," Nat mumbled under her breath as the three of them started arguing.

"Not to bother any of you, persoanlly, but we have bigger things to worry about than whatever the hell you guys are arguing about," Clint said as he stood up. The attention shifted to him as he quietly left the room. Banner called after him to get him back to his seat, but he instead just kept walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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