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This is the dance Minho did

Minho sat in the plain white room. He had been staring at the same spot on the wall for hours. Dr. Bang hadn't come back and he had no one to talk to. His mind had wandered places they should not have.

Like, what if Jisung would have burnt in the fire? Or, I wish my dad would've died... did he die? I don't know. No one had visited him on good terms, in fact, the only person who visited him was Jisung. Minho could only go off the information he had.

A bug crawled on the wall. Its many legs moving at different paces. Slowly,  it made it's way to the roof, sticking magically to it. Minho sat, watching from his spot on the floor. It was his only form of entertainment. It crawled over the ceiling down to the wall opposite of Minho. It crawled down onto the floor. Looking towards the door, Minho got up.

His legs felt they could collapse any second. As the bug inched closer to the door, Minho walked towards it. He bent down and put his hand in front of the bug, blocking its path. He pushed his finger onto the bug and turned it, making sure to kill it.

He wiped his hands. Now that he was up he needed to be active, and the only thing he could do in this small, cramped room, was dance. He looked around. There was enough room.

He worked through different moves. Putting together the choreography in his head. When he had it thought out he started dancing. Moving his body gracefully, he moved around the room.

He was thankful there were no windows or else he would be embarrassed.

He followed the metronome of his thoughts. He danced robotically, yet naturally. Hitting every beat, he continued the dance.

He practiced. For hours. Over and over, until he saw someone at the door.

"You dance?" Minho glared at the familiar face. He had a young-looking boy behind him. "Ah, Minho! This is Jeongin. He's my... boyfriend? Yeah, anyways. I was wondering if you could watch after him today? I don't trust him at home alone and you're the only patient I've worked on so far." Dr. Bang asked.

"Can I change first? He can stay in the room while I change or shower. I feel gross." Minho asked, hoping it was a yes. He didn't feel only whenever he was around those destructive sticks.

"Sure, but you cant shower. Only change." Bang Chan brought Minho back some fresh clothes and left Jeongin in the room, leaving him a key just in case he needed out.

They sat together in the room. Silence filling the air. "S-so I'm Jeongin. You are Minho, yes?" Jeongin asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, I am. Are you a minor? Why is an adult dating you? And why are you so baby?" Jeongin laughed, causing Minho to chuckle slightly.

"I am 18. We started 'dating' a few months ago when I was 17... but we don't talk about that. And I'm not a baby! I'm just... small." Mingo laughed. He was small. He knew small, Changbin was small.

"What do you mean 'dating?'" Minho had to ask. Jeongin looked down, a deep blush covering his cheeks.

"W-we uh- we have a... BDSM relationship. I'm the sub." Jeongin glanced up to see Minho's eyes wide.

"I knew he had some kinky shit going on." They laughed and fell into a comfortable silence.

Across the room, Minho watched as Jeongin played nervously with his sweater strings. "Why did he leave you here?" Jeongin looked up, shocked that Minho had asked him a question.

"W-well I got into trouble last night and he doesn't trust me at home by myself anymore." Minho nodded.

"What happened?" Jeongin visibly tensed. "Oh, you don't have to tell me... do you wanna do something?" Minho asked, bored out of his wits. He hadn't had any human interaction in a day.

"S-sure? You were dancing earlier! Can you teach me?" Jeongin asked hopefully. Minho nodded and got up.

They spent a few hours dancing before Chan came back in. "Ok, Jeongin. It's time t- why are you so sweaty?" Chans eyebrows knitted together.

"We were dancing, Hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed, running to hug Chan. He looked at me confusedly.

"You don't know how to dance, though." Minho glared at Chan again. He didn't want him here.

"I taught him. Y'all can leave now." Minho sat back down and stared at the two, who was frozen in place at the sudden anger.

Jeongin frowned slightly. They had made friends, he thought. Minho didn't look at Jeongin. He just glared at Chan.

Chan grabbed Jeongin's hand and pulled him out of the room. He shit and locked the door.

Minho's face softened as he looked around the room. His dirty clothes sat in the corner. He needed to shower. He needed to eat and drink.

He heard the door open once more and looked at the figure in the doorway.

It wasn't Chan, this was a different doctor. "Hello, Minho. I have come here to collect you. Mr. Kim would like to see you." The dark-haired man said, eerily.

Minho got up, his legs shaking again. He didn't want to be here. If he was kept in that room again he would really go crazy.

"Okay. Let's go. I don't wanna be in here anyway." They left the room and the dark-haired doctor led him to the other side of the building.

Kim Woojin sat in a room, a table with two plates in front of him. He had called for Lee Minho to be brought to his room. Seo Changbin would be bringing him. He and Changbin were close, not too close, but they were best friends. They also had a plan.

"Dr. Kim, Mr. Lee is here." The dark-haired doctor pushed Minho into the room and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Hello, Minho! I am Dr. Kim, but please, call me Woojin. Sit, I have food on the way for us. I always eat with new patients." Minho sat down, feeling comfortable with Woojin.

Woojin gave off a warm and welcoming energy. His smile was soft and his tone of voice was calming. Minho studied Woojin's face.

His have was wide, but not too much. His brown hair fit his face perfectly and his smile pushed his cheeks up slightly.

Minho closed his eyes and the first thing he saw was Jisung. Jisung had been on his mind since he had left with Hyunjin. Of course, Minho knew that Hyunjin was with Seungmin but he just didn't like seeing them together.

"Dr. Kim. I have your food here." An employee was standing at the door staring at Minho. "Hello. You're Minho, right? I have heard a lot about you. Apparently, from Chan, you are a huge asshole. But you don't look it! You look really nice and cute." Minho stared blank faced at the girl.

"I'm gay." Is all he said. Two words. She flinched a bit as if she had just been hit with reality.

"O-oh, right. Anyways, here's the food. H-have a nice day." She bowed and left the room. Woojin looked at Minho momentarily before moving his eyes to the food.

The hospital tried to make the patients feel comfortable with them, by having a nice dinner with the head doctor.

Bulgogi sat in a perfect display with cilantro, sauces and an array of different toppings on a serving plate. On a different serving plate was bibimbap. The rice had been cooked perfectly. It had a few seasonings on it.

Dr. Kim served himself before motioning towards Minho. "Please, help yourself." Minho cautiously took the food off the tray.

Dr. Kim had been staring at Minho while he put food on his plate.

"T-thank you, Dr. Kim. I will eat well." Minho bowed in gratitude as he began eating. Dr. Kim watched him.

Shakily, he gripped some rice with his chopsticks. His shaky hand steered to his mouth. His eyes went up to Dr. Kim's.

He stuck the rice in his mouth and chewed. It was... good. Minho liked the rice. It was perfectly simmered with no shells.

Then he took another bite and...


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