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↳ ACT I, SCENE VIII | daemonium___

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ACT I, SCENE VIII | daemonium


A frail voice came from the other side of the door, their shadow looming against the shōji. They waited for a sign of response but when there was nothing, the person took it upon themselves to decide. The door slid open, a wrinkled and feeble hand holding onto the edges and soon did a face pop up. The elder woman, garbed in a kimono with the palette of the warm sky, donning a kappogi over her that indicated that she was in the midst of chores.

Baba, as ironic as that name was, remained to be the lone caretaker of the residence Shin lived in. The old woman was always seen sporting a polished appearance, hair smoothly tied back into a bun without a strand of hair out of place, circular shaped glasses that hung around her neck, and a pleasing smile that could soothe any heart to comfort. She was always there, becoming a pillar in the life of the milky haired girl. Had it not been for her— well, this house would've not lived to see another day.

Sounds of birds chirping outside in the distance was accompanied by Baba's footsteps shuffling lightly across the wooden floor. The room was poorly lit with only a small amount of light slipping in through the interstice of the curtains, allowing to faintly outline the room. And once the elder woman pulled back the blinds for the entirety of the sunlight to pour in, Shin's curled body was immediately put into spotlight.

"You must wake up now, Shin-sama," The woman repeated once more, organizing whatever she could find that was out of place in the room. "Breakfast will turn cold if you make it wait any longer."

As much as rest was important, Baba was a firm believer of having meals at the proper hours of the day. She didn't pester Shin all too much if it wasn't meal related and condoned to her ways, knowing there was no persuasion when it came to her.

There was a pause for a few good moments before Shin's figure moved, uncurling from her position and sprawling out openly on the futon. The yukata she wore was starting to grow loose from its sash unfastening from each move she made. Her leg turned and peeked from under her clothing, not to mention that her breasts were tempted to spill out from beneath the poor hold of her yukata— it was unconsciously risqué. The milky haired girl frowned lightly from the sunlight, eyes fluttering open in a slow manner as she slowly digested that it was morning.

"Good morning," The elder woman greeted with a warm expression, draping a hanten over the girl who sat up. "It's time to rise, Shin-sama."


That's how long Tanjirou had stood in front of the said residence of Shin. There were no indications that it was, no wooden plate on the outside of their gate that would say her family name— not that it would matter since he didn't know it himself. But the neighbours around the area were kind of enough to tell him where to find her as well as with the help of the three girls from the Butterfly Estate. As much as he pleaded with them, the girls tried to resist but deemed futile with his kindness eating them away.

And now here he currently was, harbouring a frown that indicated his inner turmoil. He was worried, naturally, for it had been awhile since the last visit Shin made to the estate. After the little incident that occurred, her presence disappeared. Tanjirou could guess that she might be occupied by jobs sent out by the Organization, but then again, there could be other possibilities. Shin, in his mind, was a friend even though he wasn't acknowledged as one.

"That's right! She's a friend, so it's natural for me to be worried," Tanjirou cajoled himself, nodding firmly to strengthen his resolve. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't check up on her?"

His hand immediately reached for the round metallic handle of the wooden gates but the gates were immediately pulled back as if someone had opened them. The burgundy haired male stepped back out of surprise but was even more when an elder woman appeared in front of him.

"My, are you here to deliver our newspaperㅡ" Baba started off but once she caught a full glimpse of his outfit, she paused, seemingly trying to register the notion of Demon Slayers coming to their residence. "Oh, goodness, pardon me. You are..."

"G-Good morning, ma'am! I am Kamado Tanjirou, Shin-san's friend!" He immediately lowered his head to pay respects for the elder. It was then did he see the newspaper lying on the corner of the gates. "Here is your morning paper!"

Although Baba seemed quite surprised by his zealousness, it seemed like a breath of fresh air, seeing a boy like him at turbulent times like this. The hint of innocence he held and a twinge of naivety, yet there was righteousness to him, she could tell. It was written all over him. Her lips curved in the slightest.

A friend of Shin, he said. Well, that was a first.

He really did seem like he meant it with his heart.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kamado-san. Call me Baba. It's not often that I do see someone proclaiming their friendship with Shin-sama," A throaty chuckle came from her as she accepted the newspaper from his hand, earning a sheepish look from him. "Why don't you come in? She'll be pleasantly surprised to know that a friend has visited her."

And so he did, following diligently behind the woman's footsteps across the gravelled pathway to the traditional home. He found a flowers resembling the sunshine but it wasn't exactly a type that he knew, even from the forages he did out in the mountains. It looked entrancing, standing out amidst the weeds growing around it.

"Have you eaten yet, Kamado-san?" The elder woman's question snapped him out of his thoughts. Her back was still turned against him as they walked.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't. The recovery training was set to be over soon once Inosuke and Zenitsu wraps it up and now that he had free time, Tanjirou took it upon himself to have a day off just to visit Shin. And because of his nerves getting to him, he immediately ran off the second he was dressed after his morning training. The thought of having a meal didn't even cross his mind in the heat of the moment.

"N-No, not yet," He shamefully replied, unconsciously rubbing his empty stomach. "Sorry, Baba-san."

"Please, don't be. I accidentally made more portions for the meal but thankfully enough, you came by," She replied. "I don't have to worry about it then. Eat to your hearts' content, alright?"

What a nice lady! Tanjirou thought with warmth spreading through his chest. The pleasant whiff she emitted was enough to say how good of a person she was. Shin was in good hands, he could say in the very least.



i live for sweet old people
like??? ilysm


shōji — shōji is a door, window or room divider consisting of translucent paper over a frame of wood which holds together a lattice of wood or bamboo.

kappogi — the traditional "mama-san" white apron, as they say. japanese style apron, which is particularly made to be worn over kimono.

hanten — a short winter coat, is an item of traditional japanese clothing.

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