I will always love you

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(I sit next to Tommy and hug him and he looks at me)
Tommy:I love you Kayla.
Me:I love you too.
Tommy:Wanna watch a movie?
Me:Sure which one?
Adam:Watch the velvet goldmine it's a good movie.
Tommy:Adam no that is your movie mine is the exorcist.
Me:I was thinking something like IT.
Tommy:Do you have the movie?
Me:Yeah I carry it with me where ever I go.
Tommy:Then we can watch that.
Me:I'll be right back.
(I go into Tommy's room and go into my suitcase and I arms wrap around me and I start screaming)
Justin:Shut up.
Me:Justin how the hell did you find me?
Justin:Shut up.
(I start whistling but he punches me and knocks me out and jumps out the the window)
Tommy's POV
(I stand up and walk into my room and see Kayla on the floor and I walk up to her and lightly shake her)
Me:Kayla baby wake up please wake up come on baby wake up.
(She doesn't wake up and I pick her up and carry her out to the other room and Adam looks at me and walks up to is and she starts waking up)
Kayla:S'éloigner de moi.
Me:Babe it's ok I'm here.
Kayla:Il est entre par effraction.
Jeffree:She said he broke in.
Me:Who broke in?
Me:What did he do?
Kayla:Il m'a fait mal.
Me:What did you say?
Jeffree:She said he hurt her.
Me:It's ok baby I'll keep you safe.
Kayla:J'ai faim.
Hades:She said she's hungry.
Me:I'll make you something.
(I go to the fridge and take some chicken and cook and hand it to her and she starts eating but then starts choking and she stands up and grabs her throat and I run to up to and start doing the himelick and she turning around and hugs me)
Me:It's ok baby finish eating.
Adam:Ok your gonna have to speak English.
Jeffree:She only does that when she scared.
Me:Well I understand that but how will we know what she's saying?
Jeffree:Me or Hades can translate.
Kayla:Je t'aime Tommy.
Me:I can't understand you.
Hades:She said I love you.
Me:I love you too.
(She let's go and sits on the couch and pulls her knees to her chest and I walk up to her and I sit next to her and hug her)
Me:It's ok baby I promise.
Kayla:He hurt me.
Me:I know baby I won't let him hurt you again I promise.
Kayla:Thank you.
Me:Your welcome baby.
Adam:The next stop is in in 2 hours get ready.
Kayla:I don't wanna.
Tommy:It's ok baby I'll make sure your ok.
(We stand up and walk into my room and I get ready and she kneels down and picks something out and starts getting undressed and I start blushing then she puts everything on and we walk out and she heads to the bathroom)

 (We stand up and walk into my room and I get ready and she kneels down and picks something out and starts getting undressed and I start blushing then she puts everything on and we walk out and she heads to the bathroom)

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(Her outfit)
Kayla's POV
(I do my makeup and hair and leave the bathroom and go sit next to Tommy)

(Her outfit)Kayla's POV(I do my makeup and hair and leave the bathroom and go sit next to Tommy)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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