His Butler|| Stained

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You were walking down the leaf covered pavement of the busy London streets, as you held your To-Go-Cup full of Earl Gray and chatted on your phone to your fashion design school mentor.

"Yes, Marie, I know that winter is closing in fast." You sighed, as Marie was nagging you to get your winter fashion collection done ASAP.

You were so wrapped up in the conversation that you were having with Marie, that bumped into somebody, spilling your hot tea all over a complete stranger.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" You placed your phone between your shoulder and your ear, as you reached in your Luis Veton purse for tissues. "Marie, I'll have to call you back." You hung up and started dabbing the strangers black t-shirt, as you repeatedly apologized.

The stranger stared down at you as your (h/l) (h/c) bangs fell in front of your face, at a total loss for words. Which was unusual for him, he'd always had some sort of smart-ass comment to say, over the many centuries he'd lived.

You finally looked up, your (e/c) eyes widened at the stranger you spilled tea on. He had the most beautiful Raven-black hair, Mahogany eyes, and pale skin. He was easily 6 feet tall, which made you feel terribly small, since you were only 5'4. He smirked at you, causing you blush and quickly look away, because he saw you gawking.

"Ahem" A voice said, that was beside the two of you.

You looked over to see a 17 year old boy, who looked very much like a emo pirate. He had Dark-Gray hair, a black eye-patch over his right eye, and a piercing Azure-blue eye, he even had both of his ears pierced.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry." You mumbled, embarrassed that you spilled your drink on such a good looking guy.

"It's quite alright miss." You heard him say. His voice smooth like velvet. His voice was almost hypnotizing. "I'm Sebastian Michaelis." He held out his right hand, that was covered with a Black, leather, fingerless glove. You took hold of it to shake, you were still trying to take in the situation. "And what is your name miss?" You snapped our of your daze and simply replied.

"(F/n) (L/n)." You quickly let got of his hand.

"Forgetting something Sabas-chan?" The emo pirate asked, clearly Irritated. You couldn't help but notice how Sebastian cringed, when he said his name like that.

"Oh, yes, of course." He put a closed fist up to his mouth, clearing his throat. "This is my younger half-brother," he motioned towards the emo pirate. "Ciel."

"It's awfully nice to meet you, Sebastian and Ciel, but I must be going." You said, walking off to your fashion-design office. You couldn't help but over hear a conversation between the two, as you walked off.

"It will be absolute bloody hell to get this tea stain out." You heard Sebastian say.

The emo pirate sighed, agitated. "You will just have to get over it, besides we are late for an appointment."

You giggled as you walked off, finding their bantering quite amusing. Too bad you'd never see them or Sebastian in particular, ever again....or so you thought.


Over the next couple of days you swore you saw the pair everywhere you went. Once on the Trolly, next at the Tea-shoppe on the corner, and twice at the little market place you buy your favorite guilty pleasure, Sour Gummy Worms.

The next day you were walking on the leaf covered London Sidewalk, thinking about all the times you thought you saw the emo pirate, and the raven-haired man. Lost in thought you bumped into Somebody.

'Nice (y/n), you are such a clutz.' You mentally scolded yourself.

"So we meet again, (F/n)." You heard a familiar, smooth, velvity, melodic voice say. You looked up, to see none other than Sebastian. "We must stop running into each other like this." He smirked as he said this, with an almost teasing tone.

"Why don't you just ask her to tea already?" Ciel scoffed, clearly annoyed.

'Ive only met him twice, but he seems to be pissed off all the time for some reason.' You thought as you stared at the 17 year old. Sebastian chuckled, as he looked at you.

"Why, that's a wonderful idea." He looked at his half-brother, smirking, seeing his Annoyance grow more. He looked back at you. "What do you say, (Y/n). Will you do us the pleasure of joining us for tea?" He smiled, a closed eye smile.

"Sure." You accepted the offer, not sure of what else to do. I mean after all it's just tea. Nothing bad could happen, right?


Finished at 4:46 pm on 10-19-14

Konichiwa! I hope you lovelies enjoyed the first chapter of this FanFiction. I do hope it was sufficient enough for a XReader, because it is my first time writing one.

Gomenasai, but I will not be posting the next chapter till next weekend. Simply because I got a bloody awful grade in US History, so as a result I had my phone and Kindle taken away. Only to get them back on the week ends. I would use my mums computer, but it has decided to be a bloody wonko and not open the internet browser, google chrome, or Safari. -_- again I am truely sorry.

Well I'm going to leave you alone, and get back to my Harry Potter marathon.

Hugs to all my little demons,


His Butler, Betrothed {SebastianxReader Modern AU!}Where stories live. Discover now