Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys. I just wanted to put in a bonus chapter for this book because I didn't really like how I ended it. There will be no more chapters, and I'm sorry.

*phone ringing on speaker*

"Please still be the right number... Please still be the right number..." Luke said, looking down at his diary he kept four years ago talking about everything that had happened throughout his high school years. "Please be the right num-"

"Hello?" A voice said on the other end of the line. Luke's heart jumped and he had to swallow to keep him from screaming. "...hello?"

Luke realized that he hadn't said anything for a few seconds, and he needed to say something quick before they hung up. "Um... Hi. Is this, uh," Luke said, a lump forming in his throat. "Um, is this Maximus?"

There was a pause on the other end, and Luke thought for sure this was the wrong number. And then, after what seemed like ages of agonizing silence, a cracked voice said, "Luke...?"

Tears started to form in Luke's eyes as he spoke. "Hi, Max. It's me. I am so sorry for not getting in touch sooner... I just-"

"Luke... It's completely ok I understand. How-how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, great actually. Um, my mom and I are moving back... My dad passed about a year ago."

"Oh my god Luke I'm so sorry," Max said, his voice making Luke's heart go fast.

"Um, if you're not seeing anyone I was wondering if you'd want to grab a coffee or something when I return?" His voice cracked, nerves getting the best of him.

"Of course... Let me know the date and I will put it in my phone so I don't forget."

"Oh ok, perfect," Luke said, smiling down at the pages he wrote about their relationship.

"Hey Luke...?"


"I kept my promise to you. It's one of the things that has helped me get through everything. That and therapy."

Luke smiled, wiping a tear away. "That's great, Max. That's so great."

They talked on the phone for hours, and it seemed as if their relationship never ended. There were three last words that came out of Luke's mouth before they both fell asleep over the phone.

"I'm coming home."

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