Missed one

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Anne POV

I watched closely as Kate pulls out an object from her pocket. It was a long stick or a wand.

She shouted a few spells and sooner or later, everyone  freezed. She cast a spell something like 'momerit' and every thing was back to normal.

She did something. I saw her carry the body and left the cafeteria unnoticed. I followed her very closely as she went outside.

She then planted the body and left the scene. As I looked from a distance, I see a teenage girl.

She slowly dug the hole and  gave the dead body a potion. Within minutes, the body was alive but asleep.

Shocked, I quickly and quietly tip-toed to school grounds but me being me, I accidentally stepped on a stick.

"Who's there?" the girl shouted. "Keep it down, let's go, no one will believe her she erased their memories." Another person from the bushes said.

I took this as my que and ran in to school grounds.

As soon as I arrived, I met with my creative writing teacher. I told her the whole thing that happened but she just dismissed me.

She  told me that it was all a hallucination and I should go to the nurse's office. I got my things and instead of going there, I headed to the  pack house.


Aira POV:

I can't believe I have to go to the mall again. I asked Tara and only Tara to follow me to the mall.

I went in the shop; Sherri Hills and quickly grabbed the dress that I fell in love with last time.

It was this nice dress that's fitted and covered with lace on the top

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It was this nice dress that's fitted and covered with lace on the top. The bottom was covered with ruffles.

Instead of dis agreeing, Tara told me that it was better than the dress we bought earlier. She  then scolded me for not showing her.

We rode back home with the dress and I couldn't be happier. I showed Henry the dress and he too liked it.

For  the other dress, I decided to keep it for future needs. Maybe another dinner out in that fancy restaurant.

"Aira, how does Joanne know about you being a witch?" Tara mindlinked me when I was in my room.

"How  do you know she knows?"

"Mum said so she asked why Anne was babbling about it to her."

"What did aunt Jennie say?"

"Oh, she told her that she must be tired so she was told to rest"


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