Chapter 1

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Dan and Arin had a new bit. They had recently brought back reading fanfiction (this time, fanfiction about them) on the show, coupling it with fan games. Most of the fanfiction about them was not game grumps appropriate in the slightest, so it was starting to get difficult to keep with their theme.
Dan's time was spent recording and writing for the new nsp album, so it was up to Arin to find the fanfiction. He used to just search up their tag on ao3 or wattpad and go with whatever the first result was, but that didn't really work. So to avoid reading porn on their show (specifically, porn about them) he decided to read them beforehand, and then have Dan read them out on the show to keep some level of surprise. He would usually skim the title, and maybe read the first chapter, and if it seemed fine he'd add it to his list. However that wasn't really working either. Apparently a lot of weird people like to hide porn in like the billionth chapter of their slowburn, so he decided he'd just have to read the whole damn thing.
Arin opened up ao3 and typed in 'egobang', something he had been doing way too often and probably was going to affect his ads forever. He wanted to find fics where they were in love, but not actually fucking. Surprisingly it was a very small overlap.
As he was reading through what seemed to be an alright one, Ross poked his head into the room.

"Hey, I'm heading home for the night, should- hey what are you reading?"

Arin groaned "More fanfiction. Dude, people are REALLY horny for us."

Ross laughed. "I know. It's super weird, but hey, people gotta jack off to something and if it's two dudes playing video games then fucking on the floor, who am I to judge?"

"Yknow I think I might have actually read that one.."

Ross laughed again, and waved goodbye. Arin heard the door close and Ross's keys jangle outside.
He sighed, and turned back to his computer. Already so many hentai ads were popping up. He closed them all and tried to focus.

'Dan looked at Arin from across the room. 'Do you want to...?' His eyes seemed to say. Arin nodded discreetly, his cock already beginning to harden as he saw Dan's-'

Arin shook his head. Jesus, this is raunchy. Still, he continued reading, unsure if it was actual porn or not. Eventually he saw, sure enough, it was. He sighed and moved to click away, but something caught his eye. It was after a scene where they had just fucked on a desk in their empty office, and were now cuddling on a beanbag chair.

'Arin nuzzled into Dan's neck, his warm, musky scent overwhelming Arin's senses. Dan's arms were around Arin, softly and gently, counter to everything that had just happened. Arin looked up, only to see Dan gazing lovingly down at him. Arin smiled. "What are you looking at me like that for?" Dan smiled as well. "You're beautiful."
Arin laughed in surprise. "Hardly. You're just horny"
Dan shook his head. "No I'm serious. You are beautiful and perfect and absolutely wonderful."
Arin blushed furiously. "That's ridiculous and you know that."
Dan kissed him softly. "Of course it's ridiculous. That's what this'll do to you."
Arin tilted his head to the side. "That's what what'll do to you?"
Dan simply closed his eyes.
"Love" He said.'

Arin read these words, a strange feeling in his chest. Hey what the fuck?? This was the sappiest, most textbook romance scene ever. Just change the names and they could be anyone. Why was he feeling this way? He shook his head. It was probably just from reading so much porn. He shut off his computer and turned off all the lights in the office. On his way out the door, he bumped into a desk. Stumbling back a little, he kicked a beanbag chair. His chest felt heavy and light all at the same time, the same weird feeling from earlier. He regained his balance, and left. He shut and locked the door behind him.

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