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Chandler is 18*

Chandler and I had been going strong for 1 year. I loved him and he loved me, at least that is what I thought. I was doing perfect; you two were the couple everyone dreamed of being. That was up until this week. This week Chandler has been coming to my house, angry. I have no idea why, I thought he might of been getting drunk but he's not. He is completely and he abuses me. My mom doesn't days, she works nights so she doesn't see this every night. I wanted so bad to just break up with him,but I couldn't push myself to do it. I just pushed all the bad things away and thought of all the good things. The thing is the bad things are running out the good ones.

I was sitting on the couch in your living room. I was watching "Haunted House 2" by myself and I was trying to laugh, but I couldn't knowing I was going to break up with Chandler. I am going to make this night somewhat good, because tomorrow I will be free. I continued watching my movie when Chandler busted through the door. He walked up to I with a red face and threw I on the floor. He kicked me in the stomach until I was balling in tears. He got down in my face and said,

" I don't even know why I dated you. Actually I do as a rebound to forget about Hanna. I never loved you and this is the side you get to see when you annoy me to my limits! I am sick of you! You knew that I had anger issues and you tried to help me and stayed with me! But you know what you shouldn't of because this is your prize princess. You disgust me.

I remember his anger issues and I did try to help him. I thought I could help him! I wanted to make him into a better person but I never knew this was a part of his true colors. I didn't know it was this bad. I knew this was the time.

"I am so sorry Chandler. I tried to fix you and help you, but I guess I can't. I wanted to show you that you could be a better person! You were doing so good."

I started coughing loudly I was hurting so bad. I knew he had broke my ribs but I continued.

" I love you and I always will no matter how much anger you have in you. I know this is what you think is good for you but please try to change I gave it my best and it wasn't good enough. Remember that we had a lot of good times and I know at some point you loved me. Please try and remember that happiness that you had. I know it's in there someone.", I managed to choke out.

I was losing my breath, I didn't have long and I knew it. I looked up and saw Chandler crying. I smiled he is back. He got down beside me and started wiping away my tears and pushed my hair behind my ear. He kissed my forehead and said,

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what has taken over me. Please forgive me! I love you so much. You weren't just a rebound you were my girl! I love you so so much! I wish I could take back all this things I've done to you!", He whispers

I smiled and my vision got blurry not from tears but because my time was over. I no longer belonged on earth I was going somewhere better. I will no longer be in this pain. I will be watching over Chandler and his new girlfriend. I will watch everything.

"I forgive you Chan, and I hope when you find that one girl that you will treat her like you treated me those first 12 months. That was the best time I ever had, and that was because of you. You brought so much joy into my life, but it's time that I go.", I managed to breath out

Chandler started saying little things like "no" "please don't go" and " I love you". I looked into his eyes taking my last breath and smiled. Then someone through the darkness found my way back to my peaceful state. I had found my way to tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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