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my sad playlist will change yo life on jah.
it was 5, maybe 10 seconds of shock before you burst into tears.
"mia... mia what do you mean the plane crashed?!" you cried loudly into the phone. your heart was beating faster than it ever had before,"
"I just got a phone call and they told me that the plane alessio was on had crashed... and now me and my parents are driving to the airport. you need to get there now," mia said, stuttering because of how much she was crying. she hung up the phone.

it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay, alessio is okay. you said, even thought you didn't really believe it. please be okay. you got into the car and began driving to the airport. you tried to stop the tears from falling but it wasn't working. once you got there you parked and ran to the airport entrance. you found mia and her parents and once you saw them you immediately started asking questions.

"what's going on, where's alessio?" you asked alessio's mother.

"they don't have any updates but they said there will be some soon," she relied, through a thick Italian accent. her voice was shaking and she had been crying too.

20 minutes had passed and still no update. you were starting to get more and more worried. and then 2 hours passed. nothing. after three long, and painful hours one of the people who worked at the airport rushed up to you.

"are you the friends and family members of aleesio scalzotto?" the airport worker asked. you were going to correct her and tell her it was "alessio" but you just wanted to know if he was okay.

"um, follow me," she said. "the good news is, nobody died on the plane during the crash," and as soon as she had said that, all the stress had left your body. it felt like the weight of the entire universe had lifted off of your shoulders.

"and the bad news?" alessio's dad said in the same thick Italian accent alessio's mother had.

"the bad news, yes follow me through here please," the lady instructed as we followed her through the airport. "The bad news is, alessio, along with many other were injured during the crash," she then opened a door with alessio laying propped up on a hospital bed.

"doctorrrrrrr I'm thirsty. water," alessio slurred.

"what's wrong with him?" you asked.

"it's only the pain medicine he's taking, it will wear off when he wakes up," the doctor said with a light swish of her hand. "alessio's leg has been fractured so he will need to be in a wheelchair," (I know he would actually probably be in crutches or something but just go with it)

"oh.... for how long?" mrs.scalzotto asked.

"it will only take a week for his leg to heal, and then he can go home," the doctor said.

you said down on a chair and got comfortable. just knowing that he would be okay made your heart happy. but you also knew you would be staying the night, so you curled up on a chair and fell asleep. the other scalzottos found somewhere else in the room to sleep.

to be continued