Taste In Men

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I woke up and looked at the clock that was sitting on the bedside dresser reading the 9:36 AM clearly written boldly in red. I turned around to face a still sleeping Brian and began thinking about how lucky I had been to have met him so soon.

I texted my dad and asked if he was awake yet and if he wanted to go eat breakfast. He quickly responded with a simple yes and as I began to get up I felt Brian pull me back down and close to him and began to speak.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna get ready to go eat breakfast with my father... what are you doing?"
"Oh you know....laying here thinking about why you're leaving me"
"Did you want to go?"
"Hm... stay here and sleep? Or go eat with you and have your father stare me down the entire time? Yeah sure, I'll go eat with you guys" he said with a smile.
I huffed and said, "Okay well get dress then" and slapped his leg as I got up to get dressed myself.

We then quickly got dressed and headed to my dads room and knocked on the door. He opened it and gave me a hug and said, "good morning".
He saw Brian was standing by my side and let us both in.
"Morning Brian"
"Good morning"
Well at least he's trying to be nicer...
"So how'd you two sleep last night?"
"Fine. We were both super tired"
"From what??"
"From the show... and swimming" I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah.. of course... good" he said as he laughed. Brian even chuckled slightly which made me happy that he wasn't taking it personal.
Once we decided where to go and what to eat we headed there and ordered our food. Twiggy also decided to join us right before we left.

"So Brian is Placebo also playing the rest of the festival season or...??" My dad asked.
"Uh, no actually we're not unfortunately" he responded as he looked at me with sad eyes.
"Tomorrow we're leaving back to London to get ready for our own tour".
I didn't say anything, I just sat there thinking about the fact that he wasn't going to be with me at the rest of the festivals, and I kept asking myself when I would see him next.
"You okay?" Brian asked me quietly while putting an arm around me.
"Yeah. I'm fine" I replied with a small assuring smile.
"Okay, just making sure. If you need anything just let me know" he said as he brushed my hair behind my ear and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

After we ate, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the second day of the festival. Brian and I went back to his room first and picked out an outfit for him to wear. A black and white striped top, a black pair of jeans, and a black pair of shoes.
"Do I look okay?"
"You look cute" I said with a smile.
"Thanks" he said blushing.
When we got to my shared room with dad Brian began digging through my suitcase in search for an outfit for me.
"What are you doing?" My dad said as he walked up behind him.
"Looking for an outfit"
"For you..?? Or..?"
"What? No? Haha... For Ash" he said chuckling as he spoke. He pulled out a pair of black lace underwear and turned around holding them up at me.
"I think you should change into this first, and I'll find the rest of your outfit and help you put it on" he said smiling and wiggling his eyebrows.
My dad saw what he was holding and took my underwear tossing it back at me and then hit Brian in the back of the head.
"Get away from her suitcase" my dad said scowling him down.
"Okay geez... was hitting me necessary?"
"Yes. Mind you not that I would take great pleasure in doing the unnecessary also"
"Got it" Brian said quickly as he sat on the bed. I started looking through my clothes and decided on a pair of black jean short shorts, a plain white top, and my black and white checkered slip on vans.
"How do I look?"
"Cute" Brian said with a smile.
"We match"
"I know" he replied with a giggle.
"Okay boys. Shall we head to the venue?"
"Boys? I'm your father...??"
"Yeah, and I'm all man"
I looked between the both of them and pointed at my dad, "would you have rather I said ladies?" And then pointed at Brian and said, "you're like.... 3/4 man"
My dad just made a face as usual and Brian replied with "I can promise I'm all man from the waist down" with a wink.
"Okay! Let's go!" My dad said raising his voice and pushing Brian out the door.

The day went pretty much the same as the previous day. Nothing special happened. In fact all that happened was lounging around in the sun, drinking, and watching people perform and when we got back to the hotel we all took showers and went to bed.

Early the next morning I was being woken up by a light shaking. I opened my eyes to find Brian's green ones staring deeply at me.
'I'm leaving..'
'Right now??'
'Yeah. Our flight is at 6:00..' he said trailing off.
'I'm gonna miss you' I said quietly as I felt my eyes beginning to swell with tears. I really was. I felt that even though I had met him only a few day ago that we had completely opened up to each other, and I really liked that.
'I'm gonna miss you too, but please don't cry. You're making me feel bad for leaving.' He said as he wiped a tear slightly chuckling.
'I'll go see you when I can okay? And I'll call you all the time... as a matter of fact I'll call you right when I land'
I sat up and gave him a big hug and kiss, then watched him walk out the door for London. I payed back down and gently cried as I fell back to sleep.

The rest of tour was fun, but without Brian I felt kind of lonely even though he called me as much as he could, especially after Ville and the rest of HIM went back to Finland. We've now been back home for a week and I'm currently just getting back home from hanging out with Storm and Brandon.
'Hey dad!'
'Hey sweetie'
'Can Storm and Bran stay over tonight?'
'Yeah sure, but hey I have a surprise for you first'
'What is it?'
'Go see. It's in your room' he said with a small smile.
I looked back at my friends and waved them over, and then we all walked upstairs to my room. When I opened my door Brian was sitting on my bed messing with his guitar.
'Hey' he said smiling standing up.
'Hey' I said as I ran up and jumped on him engulfing him in a hug.
When I pulled back my eyes went wide.
Brian's face fell.
'Your hair!!'
He shaved off all his hair. And I was surprised how good it looked.
'Do you not like it?'
'No! It looks good!! I can see your pretty face now.."
he smiled and kissed me holding me really tightly.
'I missed you so much'
'I missed you too'
'You guys are so cute' said Storm from behind us.
'Oh Brian, this is Stormy and this is Brandon' I said pointing to each of them.
'Guys this is Brian'
Brian let go of me and walked up to them shaking their hands.
'It nice to meet you guys' he said smiling.
'You too' they both said in response.
Brandon struck up a conversation with Brian. Storm and I went downstairs and got something to drink.
'He's even better looking in person' she said winking at me.
'Right?' I said laughing a bit
'You have good taste in men' she said laughing
My dad was sitting at the table eating when he said, 'no she doesn't'.
'You still don't like him?' asked Storm.
'Why not? He seems nice'
'He's too touchy and "observant" ' he said putting quotation marks around observant. I just laughed not caring at this point. After the small conversation me and Storm headed back up to my room where the boys were.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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