Character Introduction

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Name: Mizusaki Yui

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Name: Mizusaki Yui

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Blood Type: O

Eye Color: Brownish

Hair Color: Dark brown hair

Personality: Yui is the polar opposite of her twin because of her rebellious trait. Yui is known for her skill in Kendo, art and fashion. Yui is protective of Mai sometimes and she has a bit of a bad temper sometimes if someone were to get on her bad side. However, Yui does have a kinder side to her rebellious personality when she's not in one of her moods so, she sometimes smiles and she spoils her sister rotten.

Likes: Kendo, her twin, cooking, sewing, parkour, sweets, Masamune's cooking skills, 

Dislikes: Mai being in danger, Hideyoshi being overprotective of Nobunaga and jumping to the wrong conclusions

Bio: Yui is the twin sister of Mai and they both have similar interests but, definitely polar opposites. Mai had a goal of becoming a fashion designer while Yui has a goal of becoming an artist or a famous kendo fighter. Yui also tends to be rebellious sometimes since she likes to fight and cause trouble for some people, mainly men since she's very overprotective of Mai and she can tell straight away when she sees someone she doesn't like, it's like she has a sixth sense or something. However, she does have a kinder side when she's not being the overprotective twin.

One day, when Mai got the news that she finally got her dream job, she and Yui went to Kyoto for a holiday for a little celebration to her finally getting the job she always wanted. But, their little fun was about to come crashing down like a ton of bricks because when the twins got to Honno-ji temple where Nobunaga supposedly killed himself, they met Sasuke and then all of a sudden, a wormhole appeared and they were sent back in time to the Sengoku period.

This is also where the twins' adventure begins...

A/n the picture above is temporary until I've done a drawing of Yui. The picture above is supposed to be Mai's twin but, I haven't gotten around to do a drawing of her yet. I'll post the first chapter soon.

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