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I left the building after the interview and I then looked at the time and I realised that it was time for her match to start. I got in the car and I drove to the arena where the Kendo match was taking place and I managed to get there in time. I stood among the crowd of friends and family to watch the fighters and these two fighters that were currently was my sister and another opponent.

"Graaaahhh!!" My sister shouted her battle cry before she swung her bamboo sword.

My sister's opponent blocked her attack in time and I watched them glare at each other. I stood there with a worried expression until they both backed away from each other. They stood there waiting for one of them to make the next move and then her opponent charged at Yui again but this time, Yui blocked the attacker and she shoved her opponent away from him before tapping her bamboo sword on his head, declaring her the winner. 

"Stop!" The referee shouted and both fighters stopped what they were doing.

"The winner is Mizusaki Yui!" The referee announced and then the crowd cheered for her.

Yui and her opponent bowed to each other before they respectfully walked away from each other. I followed after Yui into the changing rooms and I said to her.

"Well done, Yui, you were amazing out there!"

Yui took off her helmet revealing her face which was the same as mine since we are identical twins. 

"Thanks, Mai," Yui spoke with a smile.


Just then one of my teammates, Sakura, came over to me and she was shocked when she saw Mai.

"Holy crap, Yui-chan! is that your twin sister?!"

"Yep," I spoke with a smirk.

"Wow, the moment I saw Mai, I was thinking 'hey why is Yui in the audience? wasn't she supposed to be fighting right now?' but, I didn't realise you two were identical twins."

I burst out laughing when she said this and I told her.

"Always the same reaction, right Mai?"

I said as I took off my protective vest."

"Hehehe, hai, that's right, some people still mistake you for me."

"What did you expect? you two are so identical it's hard to tell which one is Yui and who is Mai."

I giggled a little when Sakura said this. 

"You know, the easiest way to tell us apart is our personalities, Mai is the sweet, gentle and kind twin."

"Meanwhile, Yui here is the rebellious, hot-headed and yet, overprotective twin."

"Hey! who're you calling hot-headed?!"

"My point exactly."

Sakura and the other team members started laughing when she said this but, she was right though, I do tend to get a bit protective of Mai every now and then. After saying goodbye to my teammates, Mai and I headed to a nearby pub where we got dinner. We met up with a couple of Mai's friends from work and we had some dinner and drinks. 

"She was amazing out there, Ayame, you should have seen her!" Mai exaggerated excitedly.

"Calm yourself, Mai, besides, that was my last match today, my sensei has taught me everything he knows."

"What does that mean? Yui you're not considering leaving the Kendo club are you?"

"I'm quitting the matches, not the club itself, sensei put in a good word for me to become a teacher as well."

Ikemen Sengoku: Mai's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now