Chapter 1😘❤️

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A/n : this is rubbish and not so good im new to this❤️😘🥺

Annie and Asher have been dating for a year now it was there 1 year of being together Asher wanted to get Annie something really special but didn't know what to get her. So he texted her
Asher😘: hey babe
Annie💍: hey
Asher😘: wats your fav perfume?
Annie💍: gucci.... Why???
Asher😘:no reason
Asher😘: umm.. I gtg bye
Annie pov:
I was so exited today was mine and ashers 1 year of  being together. I picked up my phone and checked Instagram there was a lot of nice comments I smiled at my phone. Then Asher texted me something seemed off about the messages like he ended the chat quick. He was probably getting my present can't wait to see him

Asher pov:
Yes! I know were to get the perfume from there is a shop down the road and I have my money I saved up from my birthday. then I went to get some flowers and walked to her house then I saw....

A/n: leaving this at a cliffhanger hehe....i forgot to write wat they  were wearing so I'll add it here😳🙈😂

Annie's outfit:

Annie's outfit:

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Asher's outfit:

Asher's outfit:

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