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Annie pov:
I was so exited for asger to come. As soon i heard the door bell i ran to open it when i
opened it i saw my e x hayden i snapped wat do u want? He said plz babe give me a secmond chance. Dont call me ba- before i xoukd finish my sentence he smashed hks lips onto mine. At the conner of my eye i saw Asher his eyes were watery and before he I could say anything he ran off. I go to Hayden wtf is your problem I slammed the door shut and started to cry. I thought to my self let me text Asher and tell him wat happend

Annie💍: hi Asher
Asher😍. Wat do u want!!!
Annie💍: I'm srry it wasn't my fault
Asher😍: how's fault was it then I saw u kissing Hayden!!!
Annie💍: I didn't he did
Asher😍: he did wat!!
Annie💍: yea he kissed me😔😔😔
Asher: I'm srry for blaming u😘😔
Annie: it's fine
Asher pov:
I was so mad why the hell would Hayden kiss my girl I saw if he touches her again I will flip in punch him. Then I sat on my. Bed thinking wat should I do now and I remembered I'll give my present to her. I walked up to her house nocked on the door Annie opens the door she's so cute when she is exited I give her the flowers and perfume. She goes omg thx Asher I love u and kissed my cheek I blushed she said wait a minute was that why u were asking me . I shyley answered yea. She teased me for blushing I playfully punched her arm. Then I started to walk home. I sat on my bed put my phone on charge next to my bed and slowly drifted to sleep
(A/n: I might not be uploading for a few days I'll try tho love u all❤️😘)

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