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It was the first time I had seen her, after what had happened. The sorrow growing in my mind with all my abandoned memories. She was the light of the world and the thought of seeing her in my dream felt like I was losing her all over again. She made me see the colours of day, yet now I could only see black.

I felt her warm arms holding me, I felt as if I would never again let go, but she did. Her soothing voice speaking her favourite proverbs, one of them always slipping from her mouth, "discretion is the greater part of valor". I knew when my mother left it would be hard, that's why I had to stay dauntless for grandma and my little sister, Daliah. She was only thirteen at the time and had no idea what a simple definition of life was.

My life felt as though it was balancing at the edge of a cliff, wondering if I was to pull myself up or let go and fall. I wish grandma was here she would sought everything out. I was on the verge of losing my mind, but I had to hold it together because of Dalaih. I had to be her light, just like me all she had been seeing was black.

Grandma was right about most things, but there was one thing she was wrong about. I wouldn't give up or run away because staying brave was what was holding everything together. Even though we never had the mother we have always dreamed of having, grandma was the special person in our lives. I know now that family must never let go even through tough times. For us tough used to be a word we heard regularly, but that
was about to change.

It was now my responsibility to be the mum we never had. I was an adult now and it was time I got a job. Daliah and I left everything from our past behind and started a new life. It was our time to face the world, I gave grandma my word I would look after Dahlia. It's true that "necessity is the mother of invention".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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