Story to review

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Note: DO NOT PUT YOUR REVIEW IN THE COMMENTS ON THIS CHAPTER. We'd like your review sent to us in a PM. Reviews in the comments here will be deleted! This is so that others can't simply copy your review.

Before we pair you up with partners, we'd like to see how good you are at reviewing someone's story. It is important that you know how to review a story, because your partners are putting that much effort into your book, too. So, if this is your first time reviewing, please read the chapter How to give the best feedback to understand how reviewing works and what we expect from you.

Once you've read through that chapter and think you are ready to write us a review, read the story below. Write your review and send it to us in a PM. Normally, you'd probably write inline comments to point out grammar or spelling errors. For this task, inline comments are not necessary. Instead, if you'd like to comment on grammar, punctuation and spelling, write one example in your review. You don't have to point them all out; that would get tedious.

We do not expect you to point out every single little mistake in your review. We expect you to review the way you'd review your partner's book. Therefore, make sure to comment on at least these areas:

Plot development;

Character development;

Descriptions and/or world building;

Writing technique (including writing style and grammar/spelling/punctuation, etc.);

Overall enjoyment as a reader.

Good luck and enjoy this little story!

Good luck and enjoy this little story!

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I woke with a light shining into my eyes from outside the tent. "What the...?"

I struggled to get out of my sleeping bag, crawl over my shoes, and poke my head out. The night was cool on my bald spot, but I didn't notice. Up above me, I saw... Wait, what the hell is that?... an alien ship.

"Marge!" I stage whispered to my wife, pulling my head back into the tent as I held the flaps closed for dear life. My wife didn't stir; she could sleep through a freight train.

"Marge!" I said again, as loud as I dared, which wasn't much louder than before.

"What!" she said, sitting bolt upright, confused about where she was. She looked at me with a blank expression on her face. Her red hair was wild, almost creating a look of flames around her like a halo.

"Marge, there's an alien spaceship outside the tent. What do we do?"

"Charlie... a spaceship? Really?" She came to her senses and looked at me as if I were an idiot. In this case, I was not.

"Come see for yourself." I watched as she poked her head through the tent flap.

"Holy crap. That... that really is a flying saucer. They're here!" Marge, being the braver of the two of us, clambered out of the tent to stand there, neck craned back, and watched what the ship was going to do. I felt obligated, though not at all enthused, to scramble out after her. I brandished the flashlight... you know, for protection. Just in case.

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