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I woke up and it was now 6 pm. I must've fallen asleep after talking to Mitch. Our hands were still clasped together tight. 

I looked over him. For some reason, he didn't look as pale as he did earlier. I squeezed his hand as tears fell down my face. I missed him. 


I went down to the waiting room after saying goodbye to Mitch, for now. 

I wanted to know why he was still in a hospital bed and not being taken to the morgue. I was a little confused. 

"Excuse me?" I said to the receptionist. 


"Why is my husband in a hospital bed and not the morgue?"

She gave me a confused look, that's when Kirstie, Jeremy, and Emerald ran into the hospital. Kirstie came over to me and hugged me tight. 

"I'm so sorry Scott."

I didn't say anything. I had nothing to say. My life was basically over. Sure, I still had Daniel, but how could I be a good father to him after this? How would he still be the happy kid I love? After losing his father like this, he would never be the same.

Visiting hours ended but I waited in the waiting room till morning. I still wanted to know why Mitch was here.

----------------The Next Day--------------

I woke up the next morning and went up to Mitch's room. 

I walked in and he was still laying there. Why in the hell would they keep a dead body laying in a hospital bed for so long? I didn't understand. 

I jumped as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Avi was calling me. Daniel was over at his and Kevin's apartment for now.

"Yes Avi?"

~Is everything okay?

"Not exactly. Maybe you should come. Don't let Dani come into Mitch's room though."

~Alright. We're on our way.

I was curious as to if Mitch's parents knew yet. They'll be so extremely devastated. I saw how they were when Mitch attempted suicide. They were so worried about losing their son. And now he's actually gone. I thought about calling them but I didn't wanna hear their reactions to their son's death. 

I sat down in the chair next to Mitch's bed. I grabbed his hand again and didn't let go. I looked out the window. There was a younger couple strolling down the street. The boy had his arm around the girl's shoulder. They were laughing and smiling. They looked so happy. 

Tears started to fall down my face. I remembered that night with Mitch in the hospital those years ago. I was looking out the window admiring an old couple. Mitch was staring at me, I noticed from the corner of my eye. I admired how much people could still love each other after all those years. I told Mitch I wanted that to be us someday, when we're old and gray and our kids have kids of their own with their spouses. I started to sob. I was devstated that that couldn't be us later in our lives. I hated it. 

I went down to the cafeteria to get some lunch. When I came back, Avi and Kevin stood next to Kirstie. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys." I startled Kirstie. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hey Scott. How're you holding up?"

"Fine." Except the fact that my husband is dead.

"Good. How's Mitch? Kirstie says you wouldn't tell her." I smiled at Kevin. 

"Yes. And I'm not telling either of you." I sat down in a chair. I noticed Dani coming out of the bathroom to my left. He ran over to me and jumped on my lap.

"Hi dad! Where's daddy? Is he okay?"

I began crying. Kirstie sat down next to me.

"Scott. Tell us what happened to him."

"No! I can't. I don't wanna say it aloud." I stared at her. She got the message to back the fuck off. My band mates took a seat in chairs and I cuddled Dani.

I was still crying and Daniel noticed. He looked up at me and wiped the tears off my face, "I love you dad."

I smiled at him, "I love you too, bud."


It was getting late. Visiting hours were almost over. I saw Dani sleeping in the chair next to me. I got up and went to Mitch's room again.

When I got there, I walked in and sat next to Mitch.

I grabbed his hand and leaned back in my chair. I let out a sigh and looked at Mitch closely. He didn't look pale, or lifeless. He looked okay, as if he wasn't even dead. I was confused because he should look worse, not better.

I leaned on his bed and propped myself up with the hand that wasn't holding Mitch's.

"Mitch? I just wanted to say, I love you. You can't hear me, but maybe you can. Maybe you're sitting in this room with me. I don't know. But, I still want you to know that I love you," A tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away, "I miss you, Mitchie. I miss you a lot. I miss hearing your beautiful voice. I miss it saying you love me." I let go of Mitch's hand and held my face in my hands. I sat there, weeping.

It was then, that I felt a hand touch my cheek. He pulled my hands away from my face and I stared at him. How?

"Scott?" Mitch whispered to me.


A/N: You're welcome ;)

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