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Chapter 6: I Knew You Were Trouble

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Chapter 6: I Knew You Were Trouble

once upon a time / a few mistakes ago / I was in your sights / you got me alone / you found me

I knew you were trouble when you walked in / so shame on me now / you blew me to places I'd never been

trouble / trouble / trouble


I sit in a booth at the crowded bar at 6 pm sharp that Friday, waiting for Detective Rowley to show up.

I don't know how exactly he'll find me, but there's a notepad and pen sitting on the wooden table in front of me. I'm sure, based on what he does for a living, that he should be able to make a deduction.

After a few minutes of watching the door, I sit up straighter as a tall man walks in. Dark, messy hair, jeans, black t-shirt and a jacket. His eyes scan the room, and when they find me, his face breaks into a small, playful smirk.

I guess that's him. Detective Rowley is, I can admit, ruggedly handsome.

I make a conscious effort not to run my eyes down his muscular body as he makes his way over to my table, sliding into the booth across from me. And he has to be a fricking police officer. He flashes me a devilish grin. "You are definitely not Roger."

I raise an eyebrow. "Excellent observation, Detective. You must be very good at your job."

This is going to be fun. I don't miss the way his eyes take me in, my straight brown hair and sharp eyes, simple pair of skinny jeans and a thin blouse. His eyes are a dark, sparkling brown.

"You have no idea, love." Pinkness stains my cheeks from that nickname in that accent. He extends a large, rough hand. "Detective Dylan Rowley."

I shake it, and his grip is strong and warm. "Melanie Collins."

A small, crooked grin. "Pleasure, Melanie. Are you new at The Press? I've met Roger, Seth, Marcus... but this is a nice change." So, so smooth.

"Started a little while ago, Detective Rowley." It's better that he doesn't know about my inexperience or how green I am. He needs to take me seriously if I have a chance at getting some decent information from him.

"What will you have to drink, Collins?" He raises a hand to get a server's attention.

"Just a Coke, please," I order from the waitress who arrives at our table.

"That's no fun, love." He gives her a panty-melting grin. "Make that two beers, please, darling." She blushes at his low voice and that English accent, giving him a small nod and a smile before rushing off.

"Such a charmer," I tease dryly, rolling my eyes. "I'm on duty, Detective."

"You can call me Dylan, Melanie. As much as I'm sure you're enjoying whatever wild copper fantasies are running through that pretty head of yours..." A dirty wink.

I can't help let out a small laugh. "You are so full of yourself, Detective."

He runs a hand through that messy hair. "I just enjoy teasing you, sweetheart. You should see how bloody attractive you are when you blush."

And I can't help it, damn it, I blush. This man is going to make my job more difficult than it needs to be.

As ridiculous as it sounds, there are two too many handsome men complicating my life right now.

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