First day of school

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I wake up in my bed with Jacob laying on my stomach.i pick him up and I place him beside me onto the bed.i get up and I take a shower.i get out and I change into a fluffy pink sweater and I tuck it into a grey skirt.I leave my long hair down.Iput my backpack
I walk out of my house to see three boys walk out of the house across of mine.i tense not the most social person.i feel something hit me in the back.i look over and I see the tallest boy giggling at me.he threw a rock at me.i tremble a little.i have social anxiety.he kept on throwing rocks the whole way.i finally walk into the school and I run into the office.i get my schedule.                                                               I'm in the smart kids class.I smile to myself.I have to walk to another building.I open the door to see a one room classroom.everyone stares at me kinda shocked.                                                                                i see that boy from earlier,not the boy who was throwing rocks but his brother I guess.i go up to the teacher.she places a hand on my shoulder."may you please introduce yourself"she asked with a smile.i nod and I face the class with a shy smile."h-hello everyone,I'm norah" I say trembling slightly."ok,so we don't have any free seats so you can sit between Loyd and Dabney for now" she says with a polite smile.two boys raise their hands looking very nervous.they pull a chair between them as I walk over I sit down.                                                                     I nervously put my hands in my lap."today can be a day for you to get to know the new student" the teacher tells everyone and she walks out.everyone crowds my seat and just stares.i look around to see a boy in a wheelchair talking to my neighbor.i stand up careful not to hit anyone and I push threw.                           I get to their seat.i shakily hold my hand out.they both shake my hand."hey....I'm......Stevie..... "the boy in the wheelchair introduces himself.i smile sweetly at him."its nice to meet you Stevie,May I ask what your name is"? I ask a mad looking boy."malcolm" is all he says.i pull a chair up infront of  their table.their conversations are funny."yeah,this morning Reese tried to take my waffle then we got into a fight .then after that he kept throwing rocks at norah"! Malcolm says mad.i laugh a little"if you need any waffles you can just come to my house" I say to malcolm with a little giggle.he smiles "maybe I will".                    (Lunch).                                                                                I walk out with my new friends malcolm and Stevie and we sit at a table.i watch as Reese grabs a kid and takes his lunch money.i frown,"is he always mean"? I ask them."yeah.....he'"Stevie says.i take a bite out of my sandwich."do you guys wanna come over after school to do homework?"malcolm asked "yeah"me and Stevie say."I'm gonna just walk with you after school,my dad doesn't care" I say to him.he nods"" Stevie says with a smile.i feel a tap on my shoulder.i turn around to see Reese.he pokes my chest.i look down at his finger and he moves it up to hit my nose.he then does that giggle.i just sit back down.he pulls my hair a little bit and laughs."stop it reese"malcolm says to reese with a glare.reese sits beside me."what's your name,loser" he asked with a smirk."norah" I say not looking at him."you have a stupid name" he says and does that stupid giggle"her names not stupid you are!" Malcolm yells angry "what did you say ass wipe!"reese yells and stands up along with Malcolm."it's ok,really malcolm" I say with a sweet smile.he sits down and Reese walks off to go bully someone else.                                                       (malcolm) reese is being weird.he fixed his closed and checked his breath before walking over to norah(norah) it's now after school and I pack my bags.i walk over to malcolm and Stevie."can I push your wheelchair?" I ask Stevie "sure" he says and I happily go to the back of his wheelchair and I push him out the door.we all walk to Malcolm's house."weren't you gonna go home to ask your mom if you could come over?" I ask Stevie "" Stevie says to me.soon enough Reese runs over to us.he pulls my hair."ouch!" I say and I rub my head as he laughs(btw he laughs like he did when he liked that girl)"leave her alone Reese" malcolm says."whatever" Reese says."by the way we gotta go pick our little brother up from preschool" malcolm says.i smile"I can't wait to meet him"I say and I keep on walking.                                                                         we get to his school and the small boy from this morning walks out."who are you?" He asked looking up at me"I'm norah,I'm Malcolm's friend and your neighbor"I say with a close eyed smile."oh,I'm dewy" he says with the cutiest grin"can you hold my hand,mom says I should hold someone's hand on the street?" Dewy asked "I have to push Stevie's wheelchair but I'm sure I can get Malcolm to push it" I say and Malcolm nods and pushes the wheelchair and I hold dewys tiny hand."mom never said anybody had to hold your hand you lier!" Reese yells.i giggle a little as dewy and Reese bicker.we walk up to their door"why are you coming,dumbass" Reese asked "she's studying" malcolm says to Reese with a he opens the door.they all just start to walk to their room not even saying anything to their me and dewy walk by I hear her talk"who are you?" She asked me.i blush a little"I'm Malcolm's new here to names norah" I say with a small smile she smiles at me."oh,are you new?" She asked."yeah I actually live across from you guys" I say with a smile.she nods I walk back with dewy.i walk into a messy room with two beds.reese is sitting on a smaller bed which is his I'm guessing.and Malcolm and Stevie are at a desk while dewy runs to his toys.i smile and I sit down on the big bed.i smile as I look at the boys room.i finish my homework happily while Stevie and Malcolm talking about something I can't hear(malcolm) i look over at norah to see her sitting on my bed doing her homework.she looks so pretty.i will admit I do kinda like her.its just she's so cute and she even smells good."hey malcolm?" I hear her say I look back at her.she smile"your eyes are super pretty" she says as she lays her head on her hand,i blush.stevie looked like he was thinking and Reese looked mad(norah) reese stands up and walks over to me"your so stupid,you do homework!" He says still walking but he slips on a toy and lands on top of me.i blush as I realize our lips are almost touching.he just lays there.i put my hands on his chest gently."c-can you please get up?" I ask.he just gets up and stomps out of the room(reese) I wish I had kissed her soft lips.i walk out of the room mad at myself.i sit on the couch and watch tv.but for some reason I can't focus on the tv.all I can think about is norah and its pissing me off.(norah) "" Stevie asked.i giggle "yeah,I was just a little shocked" I say smiling as always"wanna play toys with me?" Dewy asked I nod and crawl to the floor.and I play action figures(later)"Stevie your mom called,she wants you back home!" Louis yelled.i hug Stevie"bye"I say as he rolled out of the room.i sit on the desk.i notice malcolm deep in thought.i ruffle his hair.he smiles a little."want to go watch some tv?"he asked I nod.he grabs my hand and pulls me out.i blush,I sit between Reese and Malcolm.dewy comes in and sits beside malcolm.(later)"hey,norah do you want to stay for dinner?" Louis asked "yes please" I say to her.a few minutes later she calls us to the table.i sit beside dewy.i eat the food happily"this is so good Louis" i then I shovel more food in my mouth"thank you sweetheart" Louis says with a proud smile."you shouldn't eat so muck piggy" Reese says then laughs.louis scolds him.i look down sadly."I'm,I have to go now.bye and thanks for the food I say and I scraped my plate then put it in the sink.i grab my bag and hug malcolm and dewy and I run home.i run past my dad who chases me and I lock my door and I change into shorts and a hoodie and I put my hair up into a bun and I hug Jacob and cry silently.all night(you used to be called fat a lot,it's the only thing that makes you self conscious)(reese) I feel guilty."you made her cry" dewy says."what?"I ask he points to her place at the table.there were tear drops at her place.

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