The Misunderstood Stalker

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Warning: This is a long one-shot and its a bxb

Happy Reading :):):)


The first time he met the Head Boy of his school......


That's not how it began. He never really had a dramatic first meeting with Dhruv Singhania. The guy was always there. The now head boy was probably a first grader when Sid joined the primary wing of their school with his twin sister Siddhi. He couldn't recall if he ever talked to the guy in passing. He never had to......until now.

Which brings him to the current distress he was facing.

It all started in the second month of his eight grade. Sid and his sister Sid (Yes, their parents had hard time deciding whose friend was at the door when someone informed them they were there for Sid) were walking down the lane that led to their home after they got off the school bus on a Saturday afternoon. Due to his constant need to jump around uselessly, Sid was playing the game where he would kick his sister on her shiny polished black shoes with his muddy ones and then run in circles around her until she yelled at him out of frustration. To him it was a game of tag but she for some strange reason thought he did it to make sure mom yelled at her too.

So, as they made their way home with him running circles around Siddhi, he noticed the bike for the first time. It was parked under a tree by one of the houses in their colony. The bike wasn't what caught his attention though. It was the school uniform the biker wore. He squinted his eyes to see if he could identify the cool kid with a bike. His father wouldn't buy him one until he cleared tenth boards to his father's satisfaction. That was the promise.

Head boy.

Sid knew him of course. What person wouldn't know the head boy of their school? He just didn't know the tenth grader lived around his neighborhood.

He winched as his sister landed a perfect blow on his head with her school bag. Focusing on her he tried to be discrete as he hissed at her "Isn't that Dhruv Singhania?"

His sister not-so-subtly twisted her neck to look back "Yeah! But what is he doing here?"Thankfully the senior wasn't paying them any attention.

Sid shrugged getting back to kicking her shoes. That was more entertaining.

"I can't wait to tell Diya" Siddhi grinned, too busy to be mad at him "She likes him. So does Shreya but she isn't my friend"

"You will tell her because she likes him?" Was that something friends do?

"Yeah! She would probably want to know" she shrugged

"Do you like someone?" he asked her pretending to be nonchalant.

"You think I will ever tell you that? You will rat me out to dad"

Smart girl.

"I don't need dad" he swung his arm around her shoulder pulling her through the iron gate of their home "I can break the guy's leg myself"

"You are so stupid. Why couldn't God give me a sister instead?" was Siddhi's final cry of desperation before they entered home.


He saw the head boy quiet often after that day, sometimes around their neighborhood, sometimes outside their classroom. Always alone.

He didn't pay much attention to the new pattern. Everyone has things to do, places to be. It wasn't like the senior noticed them. He was probably minding his own business without realizing that he was coming off as creepy.

The Misunderstood Stalker (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now