A Heroic Love. 1~Peter's Point Of View~

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 Yes. Another new story. This time- It's Spiderman!!! I'll admit, he isn't my favorite superhero ever, but after I saw the new Spiderman movie and researched him a little, he grew on me. Enjoy!!

I weakly put in my locker combination, desperately trying not to turn around and look in the direction of Gwen Stacey's old locker. That's right, OLD. She had been killed. I sighed at the memory and hit my head on my locker multiple times. 

"Watch it, new girl! Hey guys, look! She's a fucking freak!" I heard Flash say behind me. I turned around and shut my locker, slinging my backpack onto my shoulder. I saw Flash and his gang laughing at a slightly gothic girl inhabiting the locker next to Gwen's old one. 

"Flash! Leave her alone, c'mon man!" I yelled, walking over. 

"Whatever, Parker. I have better places to be anyway. See you, new girl." Flash said. He smacking her book and hoodie out of her hand, making her open backpack fall to the ground as well. His followers laughed, walking away. The girl sighed and dropped to the ground, picking up the books that fell out of her hand. I got down too, helping her. 

"NYU?" I asked, holding up the sweater, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yeah. My mom thinks if I carry this around long enough, it'll change my mind about going to Empire State." She said, laughing as if it was some sort of inside joke. 

"I'm planning on going to Empire State!" I said, more excited than I meant to. This time it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "I'm- uh- going in on a science scholarship." I said, coughing. Of course, first cute girl I talk to since Gwen, and I start talking about school. 

"Really? That's what I'm going in on!" She said, excited. She held up a quantum physics book and I think I fell in love. "I'm a complete physics nerd, and I love nuclear physics. I'm especially intrested in radioactivity." She grinned and I think my heart melted. Wait... no it didn't. It couldn't. 

"I didn't catch your name." I said, wanting to change the subject.

"Valerie. You're Peter." Valerie said, a shocked look on her face.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked, suspicious. 

"A girl named Wendy in my gym was talking about you. The conversation went kind of like this, 'Oh my god Peter's hair is soooo perfectly, perfectly, oh damn it. What's a word that means screwed up? Oh perfectly messy! And his eyes are like swimming in pools of non-fat chocolate ice cream! Wait, that sounds totally ew. Oh whatever, you get the point.'" Valerie imitated Wendy perfectly. "Can't say I disagree." I laughed and smiled at her, my face feeling flushed. 

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Valerie, and thank you for the compliment." I said, holding out my hand for her to shake. She blushed and grabbed it, sending a shock through my body. "Ow!" I yelled, holding my hand. It didn't feel like anything electrical though.

"Oh god, Peter! I'm so sorry! I thought I turned them off." Valerie said, inspecting her gloves. I looked at her questioningly and she sighed. She showed me the inside of her hand and I saw small wires coming from her palm, going up to little black pads on her fingertips. "This bad boys take electricity from a small battery I have under my glove and send a small shock to whatever I touch. I'm working on long-range shocks, but so far, I've had no luck. Except this." She said, pointing her finger to Flash, who was shaking a kid, demanding he use the girls' restroom. I saw a small, blue, crackling shard of light smash right into Flash's butt. He jumped in the air, holding his ass, and ran into the girls' restroom. Valerie and I burst out laughing on the ground. 

"Mr. Parker, Ms. Moore. I suggest you leave the premises quickly. Unless you have extra-curricular activities, I will have to call your guardians." Mr. Jackson, the vice principal who thought he ran the entire world, said, walking over to us. School had ended 10 minutes ago, and I had hardly noticed the empty halls. I was about to tell him to kiss my ass, when Valerie perked up. 

"I'm very sorry, sir. Peter was just trying to help me find my history book. Did you know, in 1857-"she was cut off by Mr. Jackson waving a hand at her. 

"For God's sake, I don't care. Just leave." He said, mumbling as we walked away. Valerie and I started laughing when he turned a corner. 

"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." I said, standing up with Valerie. She nodded, laughing, and looked at her phone. 

"Oh shit. I have to go." She said, starting to walk away. I grabbed her wrist with my spidey reflexes and turned her around.

"What, no 'Thank you Peter for saving me from those assholes?'" I asked, smirking. 

"Thank you Peter, for saving me from those assholes." She said, rolling her eyes. 

"Will you put your number in my phone?" I blurted out, practically shoving my phone into her hand. I mentally slapped myself. She laughed and quickly typed something into my phone. She handed it back and hugged me.

"See you later, Peter." She said, half smiling and I swear, I stopped breathing. She turned and walked down the hall. My back hit the locker and I took a breath. What is going on? I realized something at that moment. I hadn't thought about Gwen at all.

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