Part 2: welcome to the Freddy Fazbear pizzeria family

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"Hello, welcome to Pirates Cove. I'm Foxy but ye already know that, so your Crystal?" Foxy sticks his hand out for a handshake, instead he gets a hug "oh c'mon Captain Foxy, handshakes aren't my thing, I love hugging. and yeah, I'm Crystal." Foxy hugs Crystal back, Freddy opens the curtain. "say pal, that was some fun we had today. I'm Freddy Fazbear, and you are?" Freddy salutes with his hat "I'm Crystal, nice to meet ye Freddy." Bonnie and Chica walk in "hi, I'm Bonnie." "I'm Chica, what's your name?" "I'm Crystal, its great to meet you all. I hope we have all sorts of fun together." Freddy smiles "I'll say, you made the whole restaurant dance today. I think we will all get along just fine." Crystal jumps happily "really! oh yaay, will ye guys be dancing tomorrow?" "of course!" Foxy taps Crystals shoulder "um, Crystal? I-I can't dance. I don't know how." "how 'bout I teach you?" Foxy grins "sounds great." "this is such a great place, I feel like I really belong here." Freddy lays his hand on her shoulder "you do belong here, welcome to the Freddy Fazbear pizzeria family Crystal." they group hug, Crystal smiles

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