Hi Love, I'm Cole

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There's probably nothing i hate more than waking up early in the morning, but there's no getting out of it sometimes, today was one of those times since i had to go to the airport, i was flying to Miami for the Met Gala, they're holding it there for nature appreciation year which i have mad respect for. There are probably gonna be a few more people in the airplane who will be attending the Met ball so i hope it's gonna be someone i know. My passion has been business since i can remember so that's the path i chose in life, I've been involved in some projects these past couple of years so you can say that people know me, that leads to me attending the met ball. This year's theme logically is going to be nature, to put together our sense of style and nature, Dior managed to work with what i had in mind very well, that's why I'm one of their representatives this year, I've heard that another guy will be representing Dior.

Yet another year of Met, still attending it as an actor of course, except for this year it's held in Miami for a nature appreciation year which i am very happy about and I'm glad to represent Nature with the help of Christian Dior. I don't have a date, oh actually last year I didn't have a date either because me and my ex broke up right before the met)) talking about exes, i haven't had the best experience with them, i believe in love, but i only believe in love with a soulmate, who I know for a fact I haven't met yet.

The boarding ended and i think I'm already drifting off to sleep, i wrapped myself up in blankets like a burrito and put in my headphones and started listening to my playlist which I'm so fucking proud of:)) i put it on blast and made myself comfortable. There was another person sitting in the opposite isle of the first class but I didn't bother to look, i was too lazy.

I was the last on board i think, i hate going to the airport and I'm always late, once i arrived there was another girl scrunched up in a ball and wrapped up in blankets in a very cute way, everything about her made me smile, she had headphones in and i think she was already sleeping, yet her music was on blast, as the playlist continued to go on i was amazed by how good of a taste she has in music, i don't recall another person who has literally the same exact taste in music as i do, just this stranger cute girl who's name I don't even know.

Ugh, why can't i fall asleep, it's so unusual of me, i switched positions maybe thirteen thousand times but it just won't work, i now opened my eyes out of frustration and finally got a glance of the guy sitting right across from my seat, he was very locked up in his own world which i can incredibly relate to, thoughts can take you places no one else can, it's weird, but certain people understand it. I liked that about him and not only that to be honest... But... he looked so damn familiar, so damn fricking familiar. Do i count sheep or do inhaling exercises or do i just give up? God, when is this flight gonna end. My favorite song started playing when suddenly the guy said something to me, i stopped the music and looked at him as a sign to repeat what he just said, he chuckled and complimented my music taste, i thanked him although i was a bit confused since I wasn't waiting for that, but what nothing should've been confusing in that, i am just as social as he is. As I continued to listen to my songs i thought of the way i talked to him, i do have an attitude which is a part of me no one can change, some people take it as if I'm rude to them, some people don't, mostly the ones who know me well and know that I'm sweet deep down:))

There was something about this girl that was so attractive to me, I'm not normally like that, but the way she spoke and her attitude was very cute and I can't stop thinking about it:)) But it feels like i know her... yeah, i must know her from somewhere.

[The flight attendant]
Our flight from Los Angeles to New York is over, thank you for choosing our airways, have a nice day.

Finally! Jesus, I couldn't wait any longer and i rushed straight to passport control, then to the suitcase pickup place thing:) I struggled to get my suitcase off of it since it was so heavy considering the long dress for the met gala, coincidentally enough, the guy from the airplane just came by and saw me struggling so he helped me and got my suitcase for me.
Anna- Such a gentleman
Cole- Yeah... so we meet again
Anna- Well yeah, makes sense doesn't it?
Cole- Right... you look like you're here for the met ball, especially considering the flight.
Anna- Right
Cole- So that's a yes
Anna- Mhm
Cole- I'm Cole by the way
Anna- Well it's very nice to meet you Cole but i kinda have to go now byeeeee *starts running off to the exit*
Cole- *chuckles* Wait what was your name again
Anna- *turns around while running and shrugs shoulders*
Cole- *shouts* I'm gonna find out anywayyy
Anna- Best of luck
Cole- Damn straight

Author's Note
Should i keep the Name Anna (Anastasia) or change it to Lili?

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