~ Intro ~

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Hi there,my name is( y/n ) (y/ l /n )

I am 15

And I will be attending the U.A. High school for young hero's like me

Well hero's in training I should say not actual hero's my age but we as in me and the other students going there to learn

I can't wait to go learn about what it takes to become a hero

Back story

My both of my parents were pro hero's and they would always tell me about their missions when they got home.

Now at this time I was really young but I didn't care I just loved to listen to the adventures they would both have

My parents were also teachers of U.A. so you the other pro hero's well some of them still teach there like the pro hero Present Mic , Midnight, and Eraser and even the number one pro hero All Might.

I was always going to u.a. at a young age so I got to see what the classes looked liked, how each individual class would train and so on.

Every hero at u.a. I considered family

And I love them

The other pro hero's and my parents....



Something tragic had happened to both my parents

... They ..... They were killed trying to take down a villain who was said ( a/n: I'm just making up villains lol ) to take the blood of innocent people and he hides their lifeless bodies somewhere else so it could just rot

Now the worse part is

Is that this happened the day before my tenth birthday and nobody had told me when I turned thirteen

So now I live with Aizawa hehehe

And I love it


I miss my parents

I miss the stories they would tell me and the fun they would have on their missions

But Aizawa does the same well before he decides to curl up into his yellow sleeping bag

I once told him that he should have been called caterpillar man cause he looks like a caterpillar haha

~ End of back story ~

My Quirk

My quirk.....


Well I guess it is kinda of similar to Present Mics quirk but I have to sing different kinda of songs instead of yelling

Some of you guys and girls might not think that is a quirk

( a/n:  like I said I'm just making things up ok so if you people have time to bitch about it to me I will block you so if I do don't think about making a second Wattpad account I will find out and block that account and etc. Thank you)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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