Quick a/n before the story

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( quick and very important a/n because most people would be confused. Most of you are probably in america and I live in australia. Basically here in australia, we have classes that we stick with all the time besides industrial arts, visual arts and home economics. We get split into three different classes with another class and go to either IA (industrial arts), VA (visual arts), or HE (home economics but we say home ex for short) otherwise if we don't have those classes then we travel around the school in our normal class for every thing besides home ex IA and VA ya get it? THIS IS SET IN HIGH SCHOOL. ALSO we don't really have lockers... there are lockers in my school but you have to pay for them. Anyways lockers are not included in this book and neither is TikTok. Everyoneshouod know what roll call is. If not it's just where your in a classroom for five ish minutes and mark off your name (you also mark off names for every period.(I'm in high school year 8 oof okay that's enough. On with the story.). Also I only explained this because I'm using australias school system, not America's, and most of you are probably American (if anyone at all ever reads this lmao) and idk if you guys would understand it or like youse can get confused. Anyways. Ya


This book is vvvvvvvvvvvvv cringe so id watch out if I were you 👀👀👀

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