a kiss out of necessity (ForthBeam)

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Prompt: a kiss out of necessity|| Pairing: Forth x Beam

Today had been hard. They'd lost several people today due to the car pileup on the interstate. Beam was grateful that Forth was working from home today, because the pileup had happened along Forth's route to work. He shoved the what-ifs to the far reaches of his mind. Forth was at home safe. That's what he told himself all the way to their condo.

He parked his car beside of Forth's suv and motorcycle. The ride up seemed to take longer as he felt a deep sense of need to see Forth. To confirm he was fine despite getting off the phone with him half an hour ago when he'd left the hospital.

"Welcome home babe!" Forth called from their kitchen as soon as Beam stepped through the door. Beam toed out of his tennis shoes and tossed his duffle bag down by the door. He walked through the living room to the kitchen area. Forth's designs for a project all over their dinning room table. Beam chuckled knowing they'd probably be having dinner in their living room. Forth was in the middle of platting their food as Beam leaned against the counter.

"I hope you're in the mood for Italian because tha-" Forth explained gesturing at the food but stopped seeing Beam's expression "Everything okay?"

Beam's response was to lean up to kiss him. A feeling of relief spreading in his chest and mind. Forth smiled after their all too brief kiss.

"Want to talk about it?" Forth offered.

"Nah, I got what I needed." Beam said mirroring his smile "Let's eat."

Author's Note: I think that I will post the last chapter of this fic tomorrow! If there is a delay it's because I have to prep my house for our family yard sale :D It's my time to host! Anyways, the last prompt will feature all three couples I think. In honor of #internationalForthBeamDay I will try to post several chapters in the dedicated ForthBeam fic I have, Show Me Where Your Love Lies. Enjoy! 

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