Good-Bye means forever, so why should I wait? Good-bye means your gone, nomore seeing your shinning face, you've been in so much pain and it hurts now that your gone, I don't ever want to say it, because I know I have to be strong. Your on my mind all the time and I cant seem to forget, the way you said I Love You and you would hug me so tight. that day that I saw you, I wanted to cry, I can't even hear your name without trying not to cry. I dont want to sit in a corner and cry, but when you died, it was all so sudden. I never got to tell you how much saying Good-Bye would acually hurt, I was hoping you would get better, but I see thats wrong.
You had so much to lIve for, but you had to die at 31. God bless your smile, I hope your happy that your home. I wish you were with us, but I have to let you go, I know i'm not ready, I know, I know, I know, but your already gone and you gave up to soon. Why did you have to leave me, your kids, and this evil world too. I wouldn't have judged you, I loved and always will love you, this is my way of saying Good-Bye, because until I see you again, I know that this is forever.
Poems Of A Strong One
Poetry*EDITING* Poems Of A Strong One , is about Yonnie(me). This is my inner thoughts , what I feel on a day to day basis. I dont update everyday , but When I do update , you are not disappointed. I create my feelings into amazing things , they say a pi...