Vytaligo: Beginning of an End pt. 2

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I arrive at the bottom of Ozpin's office and find an elevator to go up to and as soon as I arrive, I'm greeted with the sight of General Ironwood. He was standing facing Ozpin and it seems that I have interrupted their talk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was interrupting something."

I turn to leave jokingly and I hear Ozpin calling me back.

Oz: Lucas. I didn't call you to come here and leave as soon as you get here.
I: Yes. Don't worry about interrupting our conversation. We were just talking about you.
"Oh. I hope it's all good things, then?"
Oz: You'll hear all about it if you stay here, Lucas.
"Alright then..."

I walk up near the two and they start conversing.

Oz: Alright, as we were saying, the specialist unit of Atlas of has been lacking lately and Ironwood has been thinking of recruiting people for it.
I: That's right, we're looking for skilled hunters like you, Lucas. Especially you. I've seen your combat improve through the years. Especially when you turned fifteen, you really impressed me during that Signal Academy tournament. I'd say that prowess reminded me of Qrow or even Summer Rose.
"Ok, alright, anyways, how many people do you have in the specialist unit?"
I: One.
"It's Winter Schnee, isn't it?"
I: Correct. See, this is what we need: brains and brawns.
"Right, okay. But where is she though?"

As I say that, the elevator dings and out comes, none other than, Winter.

I: There she is.

She rushes up to Ironwood and salutes him and turns her attention back to me.

I: I assume you know each other.
W: Very much so.
"Too much."

We really didn't get along when we first met at Beacon. She was mostly stuck-up but cared deeply about her sister, Weiss, and often talks to me about her. We had this frenemies thing ever since then and right now, we're kind of leaning into the 'enemy' territory.

I: Well, I'm sure you two will get along.
"I don't know about that."
I: What, you two had some bad blood with each other?
W: Not really, sir, but more of...um, what's it called?
I: Frenemies?
W: Friends, sir? I would not call this immature "doofus", as he calls it, my friend.
"Oh? Remember the Vale Formal we went to?
W: That was a one-time thing.
"And you told me you liked it. So much for "Ice Queen"."
W: Who told you to call me that?
"Myself. And for someone who is a great strategist, you sure are a terrible liar when you're flustered..."

By this time, I see Winter already turning red and me almost cracking a laugh but I keep it in for stoicism's sake.

W: I-I am not flustered. You are saying made up things to provoke me.
"It's the truth. And by the way, I still have those photos you sent me four years ago. Who knew someone would look so gorgeous in aquamarine."
W: I-uh, you w-what? Damn you!

Oh man, I'm fucking crying from laughter in my mind but I keep my composure. Winter is red from embarrassment and being pissed off. I look to see General Ironwood, Ozpin, and Glynda looking on with smirks on their faces.

As I was observing them, I see Winter pivoting to punch me but I step out of the way and Winter didn't come close to touching my face.

I: Winter!

She stopped and stepped back to her original position.

I: I guess he pushed it too far for you, huh? He really knows you better than anyone does right now.
"Yes, general, therefore we are friends. Sort of..."
I: Well, alright. But back to what I'm talking about: the specialist unit. See, Winter, here is the one and only specialist in the army and so far, I never saw her lacking in anything. Well, except her social skills. No offense, Winter.
W: N-none taken, sir.
I: Anyways, Lucas, I want you to maybe keep her company in the army. If you don't mind, of course.

Upon hearing the offer, I frown in confusion. How could I be part of an army? Why'd it have to be specialist?

"Specialist? I don't know, general..."
I: It's alright, Lucas-
"A specialist is a very important rank and I don't know if I could suddenly take it. Winter has joined the army and earned her way to where she is now and suddenly, I get tossed up there with her."
I: Well, you do have a point.
"What I am trying to say is this: she earned her stripes, I don't. I am not putting the offer down, it's just...surprising.
I: I see. Do not worry about it. I'll give you time to think this through.
"Thank you, general. Sorry for causing distress on you, Winter.

She looks at me almost confused and gives a cough.

W: It's alright. I just hope you do not do it again.
"I'll try. Anyways, I better be off. I need some thinking to do. Have a great day, everyone."

I give a wave to everybody and exit to the elevator. As I arrive at the bottom, I exit towards the festival.


I walk up near the entrance and see people looking distressed. Among them was (Y/N).

Y/N: OH CHRIST! You scared me!
"Right, right, I apologize, what happened? What are the people upset about here?"
Y/N: Well, the 1v1 match between Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black just ended but it didn't end well..."
"What happened?"
Y/N: Well, I just saw Yang take down Mercury but he suddenly attacked her well after being knocked down and she punched his leg. Hard. He broke damn leg, holy crap. And now, we're here talking about it.
"Ah fuck. I knew something was fucking off about today. Listen, this is an elaborate plan. If you see Mercury Black or anyone that he's with, do not let them complete what they're up to. What's the next fight?"
Y/N: Uh, it's, uh, between Pyrrha and Penny Polendina but it's not gonna start for-
"Shit. Warn her, alright? If anything happens to her that affects her sight or mind, tell her to resist it."
Y/N: What? Why?
"Just trust me on this one, (Y/N), please."
Y/N: Well, alright...
"I'll be going. I have some loose ends to tie up."

A/n: Sorry 'bout the two filler chapters. It's for two different reasons. One: I couldn't be arsed to write any Y/N fight p.o.v. and two: it's an introduction to an upcoming story set after these events. Anyways, I've said too much. Have a great morning, afternoon, evening, or night.

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