The sun rose, it was Saturday, I thought about yesterday and called Mason, quickly he picked up “ I’m never drinking again!” we both said after that it got quiet for a second, “ Well um bye.” Mason said a replied with a bye, and then hung up. Mason told me to meet him at Wallace Park, at the swigs and so I did that and he was standing there next to the swings, I walked up to him and greeted him, it felt a little awkward, I stared into his eyes, he kissed me and I smiled, “ Want to go to New York with me?” he said then he continued “ It’s for the 10th grade field trip and Mr.Phyllis said to find a buddy,and I want it to be you.” I thought for a moment “ Sure, why not I said,But my friends and their boyfriends come
too.” he agreed, “My parents will pay”, I then say “ No we all pay for ourselves. Mason said “ My parents are really maybe too friendly, and my dad has a lot of money so, first class on me.” I said, Mason smiled he then carried me up made me wrap around him and then kissed me for 30 seconds and he smiled and kissed me again.