Chapter 13

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Harry smiled as he woke up the next morning.

Last night was just surreal.

He can't stop reminiscing what happened last night. Their date was magical and everything was just perfect.

Harry was lost in thought when his phone rang. Harry looked for his phone and grabbed it under his duvet "Hi Dad!" Harry happily greeted as his Dad chuckled "Harry, my Son, I've missed you. How are you? How's college?" Des asked as Harry squealed "Everything is fine Dad. I'm keeping my grades up!" Harry answered "Good. Good.." Des replied "I called you because I want you to come home this weekend" Des added as Harry was in confusion "Um.....why?" Harry asked "You forgot....its River Tees festival..." Des answered as Harry's eyes widened "Riight! Right! I forgot....." Harry mumbled as he sighed "Should I really be there? I mean...."

"Harry....the festival will be boring without you...and besides, I'll let you sing!" And as soon as Des said it, Harry's eyes widened with surprised "...sing?!" Harry gasped "I want my son to the entire kingdom" Harry's heartbeat fastened "And not only can bring Friends. You know, the one you told me about...that Lukas guy..."

"His name's Louis Dad....and okay, fine...I'll be there...with Louis" Harry replied "Oh and can I bring other friends? I've met Liam and someone special to me...Dad" Harry shyly said as Des chuckled "Okay Son...and someone special huh? Now I wanna meet that person..." Des responded "This weekend! You'll meet my friends this weekend!" Harry said smiling up to his ears as Des said his goodbye and hang up. Harry can't wait to tell his friends.

After talking to his Dad, Harry waited for Louis to arrive and when he did, Harry jumped with excitement "What's up Harry?" Louis asked "We're going to River Tees!" Harry exclaimed as Louis's eyes widened "Really?! OMYGOD!" Louis gasped as Harry giggled "Liam and Zayn can come too!" Harry added as Harry paused as he thought of Zayn "Zayn! I better tell Zayn!" Harry squealed as he changed into more decent clothes and after that, he said goodbye to Louis and exited his dorm.

Harry went to Zayn's dorm with John trailing behind him and when Harry reached the art department, he stopped.

He forgot that he doesn't know what dorm room number Zayn is "Harry, is something the matter?" John asked as Harry looked at him "I don't know....Zayn's room number" Harry pouted as John cleared his throat "He's at room 4C" John said as Harry's eyebrow raised "How....did you know that?" Harry asked as John coughed "He told me...when he was waiting for you from your date last night..." John coughed again as Harry looks at him, is John hiding something? Harry can sense hesitation from John's voice. After knowing Zayn's room number, Harry shook off the feeling as he shrugged "Well...okay. Let's go to room 4C" Harry said.

John walked first checking the place as Harry trails behind him and when they've reached 4C, John knocked at Zayn's door as Harry immediately grabbed the doorknob and opened the door and to find Zayn, all out of breath and he's sweating?

Harry looks at him with a weird expression "Um.....did I caught you in a bad time?" Harry awkwardly asked as Zayn crookedly smiled "! I was just..." Zayn cleared his throat "" Zayn awkwardly added as Harry gave a smile "Okay! So I'm here because I'm inviting you to a festival this weekend!" Harry squealed as Zayn gulped "A...festi....festival?" Zayn softly asked "Yes! Its in River Tees and Louis and Liam are invited too!" Harry excitedly said "Oh that's....amazing!" Zayn replied with his lips in thin line as Harry pouted "you seem....not happy?" Harry asked as Zayn looked at Harry "Uh no! I am! I am...." Zayn replied "Its just that.....I've never been to a festival before.." Zayn mumbled as Harry giggled "Don't worry! You'll love it Zayn! Okay, we're off this weekend! I'm excited!" Harry said as Zayn gave a small smile.

Louis is all excited for their weekend trip. He's so thankful that he met Harry, a prince! He can go travel freely because of Harry and don't get Louis wrong, Louis loves Harry as a true friend and not just a prince. He'd never thought that he'll be Harry's bestfriend

"Lou? Are you ready?" Harry asked as he waited for him at the door "Yeah!" Louis said as he put his sunglasses on "I'm so ready!" Louis added as Harry smiled as John opened the door and went inside the room and grabbed Harry's bag "Is Zayn already there?" Harry asked as John nodded "He's at the entrance" John answered as he exited the dorm with Harry's bag. Louis and Harry followed John to the entrance of the dorm where a car is already prepared for them.

When they've reached the car, they saw Liam and Zayn there, waiting "Hey" Liam greeted as Louis put down his bags first and leaped though Liam, hugging him and giving a kiss on his lips. Harry awwed from the two. He wishes he can be that showy to someone he loves and he meant Zayn. Harry glance at Zayn as Zayn approaches him and smiled "Hey Harry...." Harry gave a shy smile " excited?" Harry asked Zayn shrugged "Maybe...." he answered with a grin.

The boys hopped inside the car with their bags on the trunk. They've traveled towards the airport and after that, they rode the Style's private plane to River Tees which Des prepared for them. Louis can't stop rambling how awesome Harry is. He get to ride a private plane with unlimited food and drinks.

Eight hours flight is no joke. Although the seats are very comfortable, it is still different when you're sleeping in a comfortable bed plus the jet lagged but its no big deal because they still have a festival to attend to, there's no time to feel uneasy. A limo fetch Harry and his friends from the landing and more securities are on Harry's back but Harry doesn't mind this time because he's home and he's with Zayn.

They've finally reached the castle and the entrance was so grand. Tall and wide silver gates with so many guards "Wow!" Louis gasped as he look at Harry with excitement. As they've passed the gates, they're in the driveway and every lamp posts along the way have colorful flags hanging in them.

As soon as they made it at the entrance, The car stopped as Harry looked at his friends "We're here!" Harry said as the door opened and Michael, one of The security greeted them "Welcome home, Water Lily" Michael said as Harry gave him a smile. The lads hopped out the car as Louis eyes roamed the whole entrance "Woooow.....I feel like a celebrity just being here!" Louis said as Harry led them inside.

//A/N: Kyaaa Zayn was all sweaty when Harry opened the door, what do you think he was doing? And the question isn't sexual LOL! ready your hearts for the incoming chapters lovelies! You guys will looove it! Or not. LOL. Louis is really the representation of me: easily pleased and always amaze by certain things, even little things.

Thank you guysss for the reads! ❤️❤️❤️

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