Chapter Eight

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I woke up with strong arms wrapped around me, aware of last night's actions instantly. Surprisingly, my head didn't hurt, though other (far more intimate parts) did. It had been a while and for that reason, I ached. Needless to say, waking up at five AM for round two certainly didn't help. Then again, I couldn't complain. Alex was a godsend in the bedroom, both assertive and attentive. 

"Morning," he mumbled, stretching both arms above his head.

My cheek rested on his chest where it had been for at least the past hour. "Morning, good night?

"Excellent night. How about you?"

"Amazing," I replied, mindlessly playing with his chest hair.

His delicate fingers skittered across my bare back, evoking tingles.

"So..." He appeared tense. "No regrets?"

"None," I ensured, meeting his gaze.

The smile I was offered blew me away. He seemed genuinely happy by my response and a little relieved, as though he had been expecting a bad reaction on my behalf.

"I like your bed, by the way," he claimed. "It's much comfier that the sofa."

"Ah, now the truth is coming out. You're just using me for my bed," I mocked, biting his nipple as a form of punishment.

He jumped in shock and flipped me on my back, trapping me beneath his learn form.

"Did you just bite me?"

"Perhaps I did. What are you going to do about, Alex Hart?"

Before I could comprehend what was happening, he planted kiss after feverish kiss on my lips, surprisingly so. I hadn't anticipated this behaviour from him. Part of me expected him to be gone by the time I woke up this morning. Desperate to make his escape. Thankfully, that was not the case.

"Alex? Ebony?"


Jason's enquiry came at me hard and fast, prompting mild panic.

"You guys in?"

I remained frozen in place, unable to move. Unable to think.

"We shouldn't tell him," informed Alex, still towering over me. "No point in doing so."

"Okay," I agreed, feeling suddenly awkward.

I needed space. Alone time. Solace.

"Just go along with it, okay?"

"Go along with what?" I asked, confused as to what was going on.

Without further elaboration, Alex quickly redressed and instructed me to put on my pyjamas. I did so without hesitation, still oblivious to his great plan.

"Just a second, Jase!" he yelled, making a point of shouting through my door.

I stared at him wide-eyed, wondering what on earth prompted him to share his location. Jason wasn't an idiot. He'd know what we'd been up to.

We're screwed!

I blindly followed him to the door, unsure of my next move. Excuse after excuse ran through my head, though none were worthy contenders. I was a terrible liar.


Right before opening the door, Alex turned in his stance and landed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I don't expect you to make a choice right away but for what it's worth, I think you're going after the wrong brother."

With that, he cupped his hands and exited my room, fully expecting me to follow. I did so instantaneously, heart hammering.

"Just getting rid of a spider," he stated, shooting his explanation towards his younger brother.

Jason simply nodded, too busy making eyes at his bowl of cereal to notice my strain.

"Th-thanks, Alex," I mumbled, conflicted.

On one side of the apartment, I had Jason. Funny, handsome Jason who held the key to my heart. Then, on the other, was his older brother. Alex was intelligent, charming, funny and kind but above all else, he was single. Available. Interested. He didn't necessarily hold the key to my heart but he was currently in the process of picklocking the damn thing. And I was letting him. Because for once, it felt nice being on the receiving end of compliments. I liked how he made me feel. Both physically and emotionally.

"Rough night?" asked Jason, suddenly aware of my dishevelled state.

"Too much to drink," I explained dropping my gaze.

Alex disposed of the non-existent spider before turning in his stance, seemingly noticing something that sparked amusement. He gestured towards the wall, bringing my attention to last night's skirt.

Oh, crap!

I hid my smirk behind my hand, suppressing my need to outright laugh. Thankfully, Alex expertly shoved it in the washing machine, removing all evidence of our shared night.

"You and Jez were great. Had the entire crowed up on their feet."

"I'm surprised you remember," remarked Alex, slapping his younger brother on the back. "You were pretty buzzed."

"Not that buzzed," he ensured, finishing off his coco pops.

The bowl was left by the sink, along with its spoon.

"Did you guys stay long after we left?" he enquired, running a hand down his tired face.

"Not too long," explained Alex, meeting my gaze. "We had time for one more drink."

"And a little dance," I added, flicking the switch on the kettle.

I avoided Alex's gaze as I brought forth the ingredients for coffee.

"Drink anyone?" I asked.

Both declined, leaving me alone in my need for caffeine.

"Have you spoke to Mom lately?" questioned Jason. "She's worried about you."


"She bumped into Jennifer last week. The wedding was mentioned."

Alex groaned, dragging a hand through his hair.

"Bro, come on. You can't ignore her. You know it'll only make her more stressed."

"I'll call her," he ensured.

"And the wedding? Are you going?"

I was completely lost with regards to their conversation but couldn't quite ignore the pain Alex was seemingly undergoing. Who was getting married? And why did he look suddenly uncomfortable.

"Of course I'm going! I'm just not looking forward to seeing them." he insisted.

Jason responded by patting his back. "Fuck them, man. This is Tom and Georgie's day. They're your friends. Not those cheating bastards."

Alex shot him a stern glance; a clear indication of his need for privacy. Did this have something to do with what he said last night? About having a rough year. Had Alex been cheated on? And if so, why the hell was my heart breaking for him? Why did I care?


Because she lovvvvvvves him.

JK, but let's not rule it out completely. Maybe one day...

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